i'm making a website with Fabricjs. One div is going to be the canvas and another is going to have lots of images (hundreds). I want to be able to click on the images so that they pop up in the canvas. My question is; how do i get the src of the images when clicked on so that an img node goes into the canvas node. Should i make an array of addEventl... for each of the images?

(writing in javascript)

thanks as always :)

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en";>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="HeaderFooter.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="SkapaDesign.css">
    <script src="Jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="Fabric.js"></script>
    <script src="Canvas.js"></script>
    <div id="Wrapper">  
        <header id="Header">
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        <section id="Body">
            <img id="UpperShadow" src=NeråtSkugga.png>

            <div id="LeftColumn">
                <div id="TextMode">
                <div id="CanvasContainer">
                    <canvas id="Canvas" width="270px" height="519px"></canvas>
                <div id="LayerMode">

                <div id="IPhoneMode">

            <div id="RightColumn">
                <div id="TextureMode">

                <div id="TextureFilter">

                <div id="TextureView">
                    <div id="TextureViewInside">
                        <div id="images">
                            <img src="FärgadePapper.png">
                            <img src="Hajar.png">
                            <img src="Labyrint.png">
                            <img src="Martini.png">
                            <img src="FärgadePapper.png">
                            <img src="Hajar.png">
                            <img src="Labyrint.png">
                            <img src="Martini.png">
                            <img src="FärgadePapper.png">
                            <img src="Hajar.png">
                            <img src="Labyrint.png">
                            <img src="Martini.png">
                            <img src="FärgadePapper.png">

            <img id="LowerShadow" src=UppåtSkugga.png>

        <footer id="Footer">
            <div id="FooterSpace"></div>

            <div id="FooterColumnLeft">
                <a href="">Välj Design</a>
                <a href="">Skapa Design</a>
                <a href="">Om Oss</a>
                <a href="">Hjälp</a>

            <div id="FooterDevider">

            <div id="FooterColumnRight">
                <div id="Facebook">
                    <img id="FacebookLogo" src=FacebookLogo.png>
                    <a href="">Gilla oss på Facebook</a>
                <div id="Twitter">
                    <img id="TwitterLogo" src=TwitterLogo.png>
                    <a href="">Följ oss på Twitter</a>

            <div id="FooterSpace"></div>
            <div id="BottomColor"></div>
  • dont write onclick="getImageInfo(this)" for each img , #images img on click -> this would give you the attr of the image Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:11
  • Where is the javascript?
    – Mike Brant
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:54

3 Answers 3


You don't have to declare onclick for each img.

Try this: http://jsfiddle.net/cEh93/

$("#images img").click(function() {
    var getsource = $(this).attr("src");

You don't need the onclick on each image, you can attach a jQuery event handler to all images and get their src attribute (this will output the image src to the console when the image is clicked):

    jQuery("#images img").on( "click", function() {
        console.log( jQuery( this ).attr('src') );
}); // ready
  • Do you need to draw then image onto the canvas, or do you need to use the HTML img tag somewhere else?
    – Sébastien
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:20
  • Draw into the canvas, but i think to do so i need to add the img inside the canvas and also add it in javascript, could be wrong though. Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:24
  • You must put the code in jQuery(document).ready: see updated answer
    – Sébastien
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:24
  • this is what i get in the console: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:26
  • Check out this JSFIDDLE: jsfiddle.net/ueu9c. You get errors because the images aren't there but it does display the src
    – Sébastien
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:28

You can set the retrieve of SRC only attaching event for upper DIV (using JS), like that:

       <div id="images" onclick="getSelectedImageURL(event);">
                        <input type="image"   src="FärgadePapper.png">
                        <img   src="Hajar.png">
                        <img   src="Labyrint.png">
                        <img   src="Martini.png">
                        <img   src="FärgadePapper.png">
                        <img   src="Hajar.png">
                        <img   src="Labyrint.png">
                        <img   src="Martini.png">
                        <img   src="FärgadePapper.png">
                        <img   src="Hajar.png">
                        <img   src="Labyrint.png">
                        <img   src="Martini.png">
                        <img   src="FärgadePapper.png">
                        <img   src="Hajar.png">
                        <img   src="Labyrint.png">
                        <img   src="Martini.png">

To get current selected image SRC on click event...

function getSelectedImageURL(event){
    if(event.target.localName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG')
  • nothing seems to happen when i click on the images, no event and nothing in the console... Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:28
  • You need to replace the "div id=images" block.The function itself you can test in separate file,create file: 'test.js' and add to HEAD of the document path to file <script src="test.js"></script>.You can alternatively open under DIV branches :<script type="text/javascript"> (copy paste function) </script> and reload the page just to see it works. Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 20:12

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