I've already looked at the relevant docs from git-scm.com and gitref.org, but I can't seem to figure this out.

Let's say I want to get all commits for Tuesday, November 12th, 2013. Using an existing repo as an example, I know for a fact that I have commits on that day, as well as commits the day before and the day after.

With 2013-11-11 and 2013-11-12

All the following give me commits for both November 11th and 12th:

  • git log --after="2013-11-11" --until="2013-11-12"
  • git log --since="2013-11-11" --until="2013-11-12"
  • git log --after="2013-11-11" --before="2013-11-12"
  • git log --since="2013-11-11" --before="2013-11-12"

With 2013-11-12 only

All the following give me no commits:

  • git log --since="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-12"
  • git log --since="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-12"
  • git log --after="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-12"
  • git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-12"

With 2013-11-12 and 2013-11-13

As expected (from the results of 2013-11-11 and 2013-11-12 above), all of the following give me results from both November 12th and 13th:

  • git log --since="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"
  • git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"
  • git log --since="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-13"
  • git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"

...and so on and so forth. I feel like I've tried every possible combination of since, after, before, and until but still can't find the answer, nor do I understand whether those options are inclusive or exclusive, since they seem to be inclusive if the two dates are different, but exclusive if they're on the same day. Did I miss something / what am I doing wrong?!

  • 11
    I've found git's since/after/until/before handling very weird myself, so I don't know the answer, but have you tried specifying date+time (e.g., --since="2013-11-12 00:00")? Also, do (any of) your commits have different committer vs. author dates? Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:05
  • You got it! Specifying the time worked. It didn't even occur to me to try it with a time. Thanks! As for committer vs. author dates -- there were no patches applied during those dates, so that wasn't it. Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 20:08
  • Seems to me that 'git log --boundary' should do this for you, so that 'git log --boundary --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-12"' would show exactly one commit (the one you think it would :) ).
    – qneill
    Commented Sep 26, 2016 at 17:54
  • I really love this GitKraken answer !
    – RSW
    Commented Mar 15 at 13:14

5 Answers 5


Thanks John Bartholomew!

The answer is to specify the time, e.g. git log --after="2013-11-12 00:00" --before="2013-11-12 23:59"

  • 17
    Nice. However, that command will omit commits between 23:59 and 00:00 the next day, therefore git log --after="2013-11-12 00:00" --before="2013-11-13 00:00" is better. I believe gitk --since="2013-11-12 00:00" --until="2013-11-13 00:00" & would also work if you have gitk installed. Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 12:50
  • 8
    In git 2.13.0. git log --after="2017-07-25" --before="2017-07-26" gives valid results for me.
    – powlo
    Commented Jul 27, 2017 at 9:08
  • 3
    Is this for the current checked out branch? How to see across all branches?
    – nawfal
    Commented Oct 30, 2019 at 6:17
  • This is the correct answer, but I'm still baffled by it and posted this follow-up question: stackoverflow.com/questions/59691065/…
    – bgoodr
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 2:07

I usually check my git log and see what I was working on a specific day and update my timesheet based on that, but it's a pain in the ass to type in the full date in ISO format so I just do it like this

git log --after=jun9 --before=jun10

and I add --author to only print my commits

git log --since=jun9 --until=jun10 --author=Robert 

This prints commits that happened on the last 9th of June (so for 2016 in this case and not for 2015 or 2014 and so on).

The --since/--after and --until/--before parameters can also take stuff like 3 days ago, yesterday, etc.

  • Simply doesn't work, outputs nothing. Am I missing anything? Should I specify a branch?
    – Aurimas
    Commented Mar 14, 2017 at 18:35
  • 1
    @Aurimas Well, not sure what went wrong on your end. If your since and until values aren't correct you'll get no output that's for sure. Use git log first, and try to pick a since and until value based on what you see. No branch or anything special required. Not sure since which Git version this feature is available. Make sure you have a recent version as well. Commented Mar 15, 2017 at 15:58
  • 11
    I had to use spaces: git log --after="may 2" --before="may 3" Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 21:00

Nothing wrong with the accepted answer (which I upvoted), but... we're here for science!

The output below can be expanded/customised with pretty=format:<string> placeholders:

git log --pretty='format:%H %an %ae %ai' | grep 2013-11-12

Not 100% immune to errors as the same string could have been entered by a user. But acceptable depending on which placeholders are used. The snippet above would not fail, for instance.

One could as well just parse the whole git log to JSON and consume/manipulate its data to one's heart content. Check https://github.com/dreamyguy/gitlogg out and never look back!

Disclaimer: that's one of my projects.


I made a git alias for that specific purpose:

commitsAtDate = "!f() { git log --pretty='format:%C(yellow)%h %G? %ad%Cred%d %Creset%s%C(cyan) [%cn]' --decorate --after=\"$1 0:00\" --before=\"$1 23:59\" --author \"`git config user.name`\"; }; f"


git commitsAtDate 2017-08-18

It results in a nicely scannable output:

screenshot of four commits at a specific date by the author

  • 4
    you also can specify relative dates to this alias, i.e. git commitsAtDate yesterday, 2 days ago, etc.
    – voiger
    Commented Mar 1, 2019 at 8:22
  • You can also omit the date entirely to get today's commits, e.g. git commitsAtDate. Neat!
    – Mr_Chimp
    Commented May 17, 2023 at 14:07

This script displays the available date range of commits for the current repo, then prompts for the date that you want to see commits from. It displays a short SHA and the full SHA, the author, the commit timestamp, and the comments in single quotes.

The script keeps prompting for dates until you press Enter or Control-D.

Mac users: requires gnu date.


COMMITS=`git log --abbrev-commit --pretty="format:%h %H %ai" | sort -k3 -k4`
FIRST=`echo "$COMMITS" | head -n 1`
LAST=`echo "$COMMITS" | tail -n 1`
echo "First commit: $FIRST"
echo "Last commit: $LAST"
printf "Date to search for commits: "
read DATE
while [[ "$DATE" ]]; do
  NEXT_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d -d "$DATE +1 day"`
  #echo "Searching for commits from $DATE to $NEXT_DATE"
  echo `git log --after="$DATE" --before="$NEXT_DATE" --pretty="format:%h %H %an %ci '%s'"`
  printf "\nDate to search for commits: "
  read DATE

I called the script commitsOnDates, and here it is in action. The first date I enter has no commits, so the response is just an empty line:

$ commitsOnDates
First commit: 375bcfb 375bcfbbf548134a4e34c36e3f28d87c53b2445f 2015-08-03 13:37:16 -0700
Last commit: 1d4c88c 1d4c88ce6a15efaceda1d653eed3346fcae8f5e6 2018-10-13 21:32:27 -0700
Date to search for commits: 2015-08-13

Date to search for commits: 2015-08-03
375bcfb 375bcfbbf548134a4e34c36e3f28d87c53b2445f Mike Slinn 2015-08-03 13:37:16 -0700 'this is a comment'

Date to search for commits: 2018-10-13
1d4c88c 1d4c88ce6a15efaceda1d653eed3346fcae8f5e6 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 21:32:27 -0700 'a comment' 64d6e16 64d6e16338657b82c91ac94bea8ebf7b80dc4c28 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 18:28:41 -0700 'nother comment' d5eb26e d5eb26e49fc9dceee9b9f5a2d8fa052bff2cfbbc Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 18:16:20 -0700 'no comment' d8a4992 d8a4992df208ba5efb50728311820bdad5ba5332 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 12:02:00 -0700 'commented'

Date to search for commits:

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