//key & hash are both byte[]
        int leftPos = 0, rightPos = 31;
        while(leftPos < 16) {
            //possible loss of precision. required: byte, found: int
            key[leftPos] = hash[leftPos] ^ hash[rightPos];

Why would a bitwise operation on two bytes in Java return an int? I know I could just cast it back to byte, but it seems silly.


4 Answers 4


Because the language spec says so. It gives no reason, but I suspect that these are the most likely intentions:

  • To have a small and simple set of rules to cover arithmetic operations involving all possible combinations of types
  • To allow an efficient implementation - 32 bit integers are what CPUs use internally, and everything else requires conversions, explicit or implicit.
  • 3
    Using native 32bit CPU operations is the most likely reason.
    – mletterle
    Commented Jan 4, 2010 at 23:47

If it's correct and there are no value that can cause this loss of precision, in other words : "impossible loss of precision" the compiler should shut up ... and need to be corrected, and no cast should be added in this :

byte a = (byte) 0xDE; 
byte b = (byte) 0xAD;
byte r = (byte) ( a ^ b);

There is no Java bitwise operations on two bytes. Your code implicitly and silently converts those bytes to a larger integer type (int), and the result is of that type as well.

You may now question the sanity of leaving bitwise operations on bytes undefined.

  • Again, the question was why this happens.
    – Michael Myers
    Commented Jan 4, 2010 at 23:25
  • 2
    That is why it happens, the question I think you're looking for is "Why did they decide to leave bitwise operators on the byte type undefined necessitating the implicit cast to int?"
    – mletterle
    Commented Jan 4, 2010 at 23:29
  • 3
    The operations are not undefined; in fact they are defined quite clearly. It's just that the result is an int and cannot be stored in a byte[] without explicit casting. Commented Jan 4, 2010 at 23:36

This was somewhere down in the answers to one of the similar questions that people have already pointed out:


  • 1
    None of those examples include a bitwise operator, which to my knowledge can not cause overflow/underflow. Commented Jan 5, 2010 at 0:07

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