Does anybody have a keybinding scheme similar to VS 2005 available for Eclipse?
How to import it into preferences of Eclipse (I see only export button).
How to Install Visual Studio Key Bindings in Eclipse (Helios onwards)
For anyone finding this post, if you need step by step instructions and you're using Eclipse Indigo PDT , the following should help you:
(Note: you will be prompted to restart Eclipse after installing)
After finishing the install and restarting Eclipse...
To confirm the update, try pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F and the 'Search' dialogue box should appear.
I think the latest Eclipse ships with Visual Studio bindings but at least the Eclipse PDT doesn't (which I just installed). And I would prefer to not have lots of extra plug-ins in Eclipse to keep it more "slim", so I didn't add the C++ plug-in. (maybe it doesn't affect performance but I really need only the keys...)
So anyway, I added the keys which I needed. As previous posters noted, when you "Export" in the key customization there is no way to import them, so the separate File->Export/Import functionality is the way to go.
So, as summary:
Try add to Eclipse C++ plugin and see if it ships with key bindings that work for you
Use mine key bindings, key list and download here install: unzip, use File->Import->General... to get it to Eclipse
It's far from complete of course (it's only keys which I missed to get started...), but better than nothing anyway.
Update (2009-10-16): Added Ctrl + G (go-to-line) to the bindings.
To get the Visual Studio key bindings in Eclipse you need to install the C++ development plugins - see this.
I downloaded the latest Java development version of Eclipse (version below), when to Help -> Software Updates -> Available Software -> Ganymede and ticked the C++ box. After a restart the Visual Studio key binding appeared in the list.
Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.4.1
Build id: M20080911-1700
I don't have a VS2005 keybinding scheme as I personally prefer a Brief-style scheme.
However, to import "it", as far as I know (at least on Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede) use File -> Import -> General -> Preferences where "it" is a .prf file which has been saved out using File -> Export -> General -> Preferences.
Eclipse Ganymede has a built-in keybinding scheme for Visual Studio. Have you tried that?