I'm trying to create a keyboard shortcut to reset the current terminal. I'm using a .inputrc entry like this:

"\C-K": 'echo -en "\\033c"\n'

It works, however, I can't do that while typing a command.

For instance, if I'm typing a command like this (with the cursor at the end):

$ foobar

and press CTRL+K, it will become

$ foobarecho -en "\033c""

and, of course, it is not going to work. It is possible to do it?

I suppose it is possible, since that's what CTRL+L does. The only problem with CTRL+L is that it won't clear the entire terminal, including history, just what's on screen.

  • 1
    Control+L calls a Readline function clear-screen which takes care restoring the current line after clearing the screen. One possibility is to bind Control-K to a macro consisting of Control-U (kill from the cursor position to the beginning of the line, your echo command, and Control-y (yank the previously killed text back to the current command).
    – chepner
    Nov 21, 2013 at 20:52

2 Answers 2


I am not sure how to do that in inputrc, but you can do it with the bind command and its -x option.

bind -x '"\C-K": "echo -en \\033c"'

You can put the above line in your .bashrc and it will offer the same behaviour as the one you describe with CTRL+L.


do not understand "reset the current terminal". Clean your terminal? If so you can use command clear

  • as far as i know, the clear command is to clear the terminal, the reset command is to reset the terminal
    – thom
    Nov 22, 2013 at 1:56
  • If you open a virtual terminal inside X, clear will clear the terminal, but the history will still be there. On the other hand, reset will wipe the history.
    – Marcus
    Dec 4, 2013 at 17:59

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