I'm trying this tutoial. I created new project and ran it.
TomCat started, but then nothing happened. I can manually open in browser http://localhost:8080
and see the TomCat home page. It means server can be started. However I can't open index.jsp. Here is my screen after start:
As you can see the project is running, but no info about passed environment variables.
No logs.
I use TomCat 7.0.27
Idea 12.1.6
on Opensuse 12.2
My tomcat HOME folder is /usr/share/tomcat
There was a problem:
Idea couldn't copy conf files from /usr/share/tomcat/conf to /home/loco/.IntelliJIdea12/system/tomcat//conf.
I executed chmod 777 *
in /usr/share/tomcat and the problem gone.
Also I changed the way how TomCat is started. It was default value
/usr/share/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run
I changed to
/usr/share/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh start
All other steps are done in accordance to tutorial.