I'm currently working on a purely HTML and JavaScript driven web app that uses CORS for consuming a remote web service but currently having trouble with IE 11 making a GET request. The funny thing is we've got it working fine in IE8/9/10 just not 11.
The problem is that IE 11 appears to timeout and not wait for a response from the server. The ajax call is simply:
$.ajax(url, {
dataType: 'json',
complete: complete,
type: 'GET',
global: true,
success: success,
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
In the network tab and using Fiddler I can see IE never even sends the request.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
EDIT: I forgot to mention I've already tried cache: false. I've also found something very strange in that if I switch document mode in dev tools from Edge to 9 then back again the call works everytime, even after I've cleared IE and restarted it, whether cache is true or false. Very bizarre. :\