I am attempting to fix and issue with my code. I was originally using DOMNodeRemoved and DOMNodeInserted for keeping an eye on an element within a page I am working on. They worked well but did not function in IE. So I started trying to work with a MutationObserver.
Here is my Code it's called on onPageInit(the callback writes to the console but I disabled it since IE no longer supports console):
var callback = function(allmutations){
allmutations.map( function(mr){
var mt = 'Mutation type: ' + mr.type; // log the type of mutation
mt += 'Mutation target: ' + mr.target; // log the node affected.
//console.log( mt );
mo = new MutationObserver(callback),
options = {
// required, and observes additions or deletion of child nodes.
'childList': true,
// observes the addition or deletion of "grandchild" nodes.
'subtree': true
alert('its alive');
mo.observe(document.body, options);
It works fine in chrome, however for some reason falls flat in IE. I get a message box during load of the page that says :
An unexpected error occurred in a script running on this page.
TypeError 'MutationObserver' is undefined
Am I doing something wrong? Additional info: Page is a netsuite page, running jQuery 1.7.2 (if it matters)