I'm just learning PostgreSQL. Every time I create users, they seem to have the full privileges to do anything in any database:

$ sudo useradd fool # create the user "fool" in the system
# And in postgresql, as restrictively as possible
$ sudo -u postgres createuser fool --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-inherit
$ sudo -u fool psql postgres # but it can still connect to the "postgres" db
postgres=> drop table ids; # and delete tables

I tried creating the user through the create user PostgreSQL command rather than the command-line tool but it had exactly the same effect.

How can I create a user that only has privileges to access its own database? Or do I have to specifically revoke all permissions after creating the user? 'Cos that kinda sucks from a security perspective - it's easy to accidentally forget (or just not know it's necessary) to revoke permissions for new users.

  • 3
    All roles are "members" of the pseudo-role PUBLIC. And by default PUBLIC has many privileges. My practice is to revoke all privileges from PUBLIC where I need and grant various combinations to specific roles. A recent addition helps with that - ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES. Another, not so flexible but easier, method is the CONNECT privilege. Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 21:58
  • Actually I just found this duplicate question (oops): stackoverflow.com/questions/6884020/… Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 22:04
  • @MilenA.Radev do you know of an article that could walk me through setting up my default roles and privileges so that when I create a new user the will have full access to their own database but cannot even connect to anyone else's? Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 22:27
  • 1
    @MilenA.Radev Post that as an answer Commented Dec 9, 2013 at 1:30
  • 1
    @RobinWinslow You just need to REVOKE CONNECT ON eachdatabase FROM public; and/or drop the public schema in the DBs. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES might help with this. It's kind of annoying that these default grants exist, but people would complain even more if they didn't - as it is there's lots of complaint that Pg is "hard to set up". Commented Dec 9, 2013 at 1:32

1 Answer 1


All roles are "members" of the pseudo-role PUBLIC. And by default PUBLIC has many privileges. My practice is to revoke all privileges from PUBLIC where I need and grant various combinations to specific roles. A recent addition helps with that - ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES. Another, not so flexible but easier, method is the CONNECT privilege.

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