I have a store with multiple custom domains. I'm trying to find what domain is currently being requested.



When a request comes into store.customdomain1.com/collections is there a variable that will tell me it's from store.customdomain1.com ?

2 Answers 2


It looks like Shopify added a new Request object recently. I can't find much documentation, just the one example - but it looks like it addresses your need. Use {{ request.host }} to get the current actually-requested domain.

Reference: https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid/objects/request#request-host


I don't think this is possible with liquid. There is {{ shop.url }}, but it appears to output your store's Primary Domain (Admin > Settings > Domains) rather than the actual domain the user requested.

I think you'd have to use Javascript instead. Either document.URL or window.location.href will give you what you want. See here.

  • I have the same question. There is also a {{shop.domain}} variable, and I'd expected it to display the current domain, but it seems to return the same value as {{shop.url}} :(. Commented May 1, 2016 at 11:03

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