ColdBox Variable


<cffunction name="index" output="false" hint="index">
    <cfargument name="event">
    <cfset rc.Test = 'This is a test 123.' />
    <cfset event.setView("home/index")>


<cfdump var="#rc#" />

Why is rc.test not showing up in the dump?

  • Is it saying, "rc" is not defined" or is it saying "test is not defined in rc"? Dec 10, 2013 at 22:15

2 Answers 2


Without rc defined with cfargument, your rc.test will be set to variables.rc.test in your handler.

Do this:

<cffunction name="index" output="false" hint="index">
    <cfargument name="event">
    <cfargument name="rc">
    <cfargument name="prc">
    <cfset rc.Test = 'This is a test 123.' />
    <cfset event.setView("home/index")>

You need to assign RC to Event.getCollection(). We do this at the top of every handler function.

<cffunction name="index" returntype="void" output="false">
    <cfargument name="event" required="true">
        var rc = event.getCollection();
        var prc = event.getCollection( private = true );

        // your handler code here


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