i making very simple test request. There is my document:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="http://localhost/webshop">

Here is my request:

$uri = '...';
$login = '...';
$pass = '...';
 $client = new SoapClient($uri, Array('login' => $login, 'password' => $pass));
}catch(SoapFault $exception){
 $errors[] = 'Error: '.$exception;
//print_r($errors); //empty

  $param = array();
  $result = $client->__doRequest('TestRequest', $param);
  //$result = $client->TestRequest();
  var_dump($result); //return NULL
    echo "<br>";
  var_dump("REQUEST=", $client->__getLastRequest()); //return string(7) "REQUEST" NULL 
  var_dump("RESPONSE=", $client->__getLastResponse());//return string(8) "RESPONSE" NULL

Is it ok that it's return NULL? Or i made something wrong!?


1 Answer 1


You are missing the action parameter on your __doRequest() . Refer here

Should be..

$result = $client->__doRequest('web:TestRequest', $param, $action, $version);
                                                          ----^--- ----^----
  • Sorry? but i'm really don't understand. What i need to add to action parameter.
    – glazsasha
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 11:19
  • Just pass it like $result = $client->__doRequest('web:TestRequest',"","","",0); Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 12:09

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