Is it really necessary do something like this:

 * ...
 * @return void

I have quite a few methods that don't have a return value, and it seems really redundant to put something like this in the comment. Would it be considered bad form to leave it out?

6 Answers 6


If it makes it clear for the documentation, then leave it in, but it isn't strictly necessary. It's an entirely subjective decision.

Personally, I would leave it out.

I stand corrected. After a little googling, the wikipedia page says:

@return [type description] This tag should not be used for constructors or methods defined with a void return type.

The phpdoc.org website says:

@return datatype description
@return datatype1|datatype2 description

The @return tag is used to document the return value of functions or methods. @returns is an alias for @return to support tag formats of other automatic documentors

The datatype should be a valid PHP type (int, string, bool, etc), a class name for the type of object returned, or simply "mixed". If you want to explicitly show multiple possible return types, list them pipe-delimited without spaces (e.g. "@return int|string"). If a class name is used as the datatype in the @return tag, phpDocumentor will automatically create a link to that class's documentation. In addition, if a function returns multiple possible values, separate them using the | character, and phpDocumentor will parse out any class names in the return value. phpDocumentor will display the optional description unmodified.

Sooo... Based on that, I would say leave out the void. It's non-standard, at least.

  • Does adding it even do anything? I believe in PHPDoc if you don't document a return type it automatically assumes void and puts it into the method signature in the docs.
    – Marc W
    Commented Jan 14, 2010 at 1:16
  • @Marc W: see my edit. not only is it not necessary, it is not supposed to be used. Commented Jan 14, 2010 at 1:33
  • 2
    Might have changed since 2010 but currently phpdoc.org says: "functions and methods without a return value, the @return tag MAY be omitted here, in which case @return void is implied."
    – TFennis
    Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 10:39
  • @TFennis Thanks. I'll leave the legacy quote as-is, but it seems phpdoc is simply being more tolerant of how many developers were using it. I notice the wikipedia page is now saying [citation needed] for the statement about avoiding @return void. Commented Dec 18, 2013 at 3:02
  • 1
    Check github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/phpdoc.md, perhaps it changed at some point but @return void is even used in the examples.
    – istepaniuk
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 17:34

According to phpDocumentor, @return void is valid:


... this type is commonly only used when defining the return type of a method or function. The basic definition is that the element indicated with this type does not contain a value and the user should not rely on any retrieved value.

For example:

  * @return void
 function outputHello()
     echo 'Hello world';

In the example above no return statement is specified and thus is the return value not determined.

Source: http://www.phpdoc.org/docs/latest/for-users/phpdoc/types.html (archived page).

  • 4
    This is where I point out that 'this is the correct answer'. :)
    – Typo
    Commented Oct 11, 2013 at 6:13
  • 3
    Correct answer should be changed to this.
    – BadHorsie
    Commented Jul 10, 2015 at 10:11
  • 4
    Indeed this would be the best answer here. It is also part of PSR-5 standard that is coming up. I would go with the following approach for semantic meaningful programming: dereuromark.de/2015/10/05/return-null-vs-return-void
    – mark
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 9:33

I have to edit my answer because of something I have learned recently.

Using @return void instead of @return null has a very special meaning, consider the following two examples of PHP code.


 * @return void
function return_never() {
    echo "foo";

 * @return null|string
function return_sometimes() {
    if ($this->condition()) {
        return "foo";

In the first example PHP will actually return NULL, since PHP always returns NULL. But the returned value is of no use to the caller since it does not say anything about what the function did. IDEs can use the documented information of @return void to indicate the developer that a return values is used which serves no purpose.


$foo1 = return_never();

$foo2 = return_sometimes();

The first call is senseless since the variable will always contain NULL, the second one might actually contain something. This is becoming even more interesting if we put the function calls into a conditional.


if (($foo1 = return_never())) {
    // Dead code

if (($foo2 = return_sometimes())) {

As you can see, @return void has its use cases and should be used if applicable.

Also note that it is going to be a part of the upcoming PHP PSR-5 standard.[1]

[1] http://www.php-fig.org/psr/

  • Good point, but if the function exits, it means it doesn't return null. Am I right? I think, in that case @returns void is the best option. Commented Sep 22, 2014 at 13:22
  • A function will always return NULL if you don’t return anything else. A function that uses exit() or anything like this is still returning NULL but you won’t receive it because PHP directly jumps to the shutdown phase ignoring your code. Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 9:19
  • Interesting. I would've assumed, if what you say is true, finally blocks run when I call exit. Not a direct correlation between the two, but it doesn't feel right. Thanks for enlightening me. :) Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 12:33
  • A better wording would have been: “[…] would still return NULL […]”. I guess we can compare exit with goto by simply telling PHP to stop executing the current code and directly jump to the shutdown phase, ignoring any code from this point on (thus goto in a more outer scope [global] than any current function is nested). A finally block is not executed, but many other functions are (e.g. register_shutdown, __destruct). Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 13:12
  • That sounds making more sense, and that's what I thought at first. I also decided to use @returns void to indicate that the function terminates the whole script execution, for example in a HTTP redirection. Also it would still be better to use to indicate that the function is not designed to return anything. Commented Sep 23, 2014 at 13:34

As of php 7.1, void is a valid return type and can be enforced on a function.

I would always add it on the docblock.

Another benefit of writing it, is to differentiate the void methods from the methods that may return anything but don't have a @return entry on the docblock by negligence.


Here is how I understand and use PhpDocumentor annotations:


 * This method always returns string.
 * @return string
public function useCase1()
    return 'foo';

 * This method returns 2 data types so list them both using pipeline separator.
 * @return string|false
public function useCase2()
    if ($this->foo === 1) {
        return 'foo';
    return false;

 * This method performs some operation and does not return anything so no return
 * annotation is needed.
public function useCase3()

 * If condition passes method returns void. If condition does not pass it returns
 * nothing so I think that specifying the return annotation with void is in space. :)
 * @return void
public function useCase4()
    if ($this->foo === 1) {

Personally, I think the big thing missing from this is that documenting a function returns at all is important. Currently standards dont have any documentation for functions that never return....hence a return void is way of saying yes this function does actually return.

Consider this code block


 * @return void
function return_void() {
    echo "foo";

 * @return null|string
function return_sometimes() {
    if ($this->condition()) {
        return "foo";

* This function actually doesnt return at all - it kills the script
function noreturn() {
     //do somthing then
     die(); //or exit()

Clearly the use of @return at least indicates the function does return

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