I am using EF 6 code first. I have a following situation in a database design:

I have 3 tables i.e.

  • Student
  • Person
  • Contact

Through code first Fluent API i have established a uni-directional 1 to 1 mapping between the following:

  • Student - Contact
  • Person - Contact

When i established the relationship between Student - Contact everything is perfectly working. But when i added the next relationship i.e. between Person - Contact then i got the following exception:

The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IX_Id' already exists on table 'dbo.Contacts'.

Now i know that because of shared primary key concept the Primary key of Contact is the FK of Student and then when i added the new relationship i.e. between Person - Contact force the EF to create the new FK for Person and because the FK with the same name already exist which cause the exception.

I want to know that is there any workaround for this situation ??

I have to keep the contact table separate because lots of other tables in my database like Student, Person, Firm, etc have there contact information stored in contact table. So i have to create a lot of other 1 to 1 relationship with contact also.


1 Answer 1


Without knowing entity framework or code first, I think the issue would be that your tables need to look like this:

   contact_id primary_key

    person_id primary_key
    contact_id foreign_key

    student_id primary_key
    contact_id foreign_key

Based on the error message it would appear you are trying to do something like this:

       contact_id primary_key
       person_student_id foreign_key -- either to Person or Student
        person_id primary_key
        contact_id foreign_key

        student_id primary_key
        contact_id foreign_key

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