I'm trying to replace uppercase letters with corresponding lowercase letters using regex. So that

EarTH:   1,
MerCury: 0.2408467,
venuS:   0.61519726,


earth:   1,
mercury: 0.2408467,
venus:   0.61519726,

in Sublime Text. How can I downcase letters only in words that contain both lower and uppercase letters? So that it affects venUs and not VENUS.

9 Answers 9


You may:

Find: (\w) Replace With: \L$1

Or select the text, ctrl+K+L.

  • 17
    super. very useful. Could you please point to some resource that lists transformations like '\L' ?
    – Codious-JR
    Commented Apr 3, 2016 at 10:49
  • 30
    Sublime uses Boost for its RegEx support, these are the docs for the format strings like \L: boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/…
    – Alex K.
    Commented Apr 3, 2016 at 13:09
  • 9
    And in IntelliJ
    – avalancha
    Commented May 9, 2018 at 16:56
  • 34
    Note: To go to uppercase, you'll need \U
    – takanuva15
    Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 20:01
  • 14
    To only lowercase a single parameter, put \E after it to end the lowercase section: $1\L$2\E$3
    – Michael
    Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 18:53

I figured this might come in handy for others as well :


  • ([A-Z])(.*)


  • \L$1$2 --> will convert all letters in $1 and $2 to lowercase
  • \l$1$2 --> will only convert the first letter of $1 to lowercase and leave everything else as is

The same goes for uppercase with \U and \u

  • 14
    \l$1$2 would only make the whole $1 in lower case in this case here, because $i contains only one letter. \l => first following letter to lower case and \u => first following letter to upper case. Where \U and \I doing it to all following letters.
    – Raisch
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 12:54
  • 19
    Note that \E terminates a \L or \U sequence. Commented Feb 3, 2019 at 10:31

Before searching with regex like [A-Z], you should press the case sensitive button (or Alt+C) (as leemour nicely suggested to be edited in the accepted answer). Just to be clear, I'm leaving a few other examples:

  1. Capitalize words
  • Find: (\s)([a-z]) (\s also matches new lines, i.e. "venuS" => "VenuS")
  • Replace: $1\u$2
  1. Uncapitalize words
  • Find: (\s)([A-Z])
  • Replace: $1\l$2
  1. Remove camel case (e.g. cAmelCAse => camelcAse => camelcase)
  • Find: ([a-z])([A-Z])
  • Replace: $1\l$2
  1. Lowercase letters within words (e.g. LowerCASe => Lowercase)
  • Find: (\w)([A-Z]+)
  • Replace: $1\L$2
  • Alternate Replace: \L$0
  1. Uppercase letters within words (e.g. upperCASe => uPPERCASE)
  • Find: (\w)([A-Z]+)
  • Replace: $1\U$2
  1. Uppercase previous (e.g. upperCase => UPPERCase)
  • Find: (\w+)([A-Z])
  • Replace: \U$1$2
  1. Lowercase previous (e.g. LOWERCase => lowerCase)
  • Find: (\w+)([A-Z])
  • Replace: \L$1$2
  1. Uppercase the rest (e.g. upperCase => upperCASE)
  • Find: ([A-Z])(\w+)
  • Replace: $1\U$2
  1. Lowercase the rest (e.g. lOWERCASE => lOwercase)
  • Find: ([A-Z])(\w+)
  • Replace: $1\L$2
  1. Shift-right-uppercase (e.g. Case => cAse => caSe => casE)
  • Find: ([a-z\s])([A-Z])(\w)
  • Replace: $1\l$2\u$3
  1. Shift-left-uppercase (e.g. CasE => CaSe => CAse => Case)
  • Find: (\w)([A-Z])([a-z\s])
  • Replace: \u$1\l$2$3

Regarding the question (match words with at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and make them lowercase), leemour's comment-answer is the right answer. Just to clarify, if there is only one group to replace, you can just use ?: in the inner groups (i.e. non capture groups) or avoid creating them at all:

  • Find: ((?:[a-z][A-Z]+)|(?:[A-Z]+[a-z])) OR ([a-z][A-Z]+|[A-Z]+[a-z])
  • Replace: \L$1

2016-06-23 Edit

Tyler suggested by editing this answer an alternate find expression for #4:

  • (\B)([A-Z]+)

According to the documentation, \B will look for a character that is not at the word's boundary (i.e. not at the beginning and not at the end). You can use the Replace All button and it does the exact same thing as if you had (\w)([A-Z]+) as the find expression.

However, the downside of \B is that it does not allow single replacements, perhaps due to the find's "not boundary" restriction (please do edit this if you know the exact reason).

2023-08-24 Edit

To end changing the letter case, use \E

  • replace: $1\L$2\E$3 (e.g. (ABC)(ABC)(ABC) => ABCabcABC)
  • FIND: (\u)
  • REPLACE: \L$1$2

Operation confirmed in Notepad++.
Do not forget to check the "Match case" box.


Try this

  • Find: ([A-Z])([A-Z]+)\b
  • Replace: $1\L$2

Make sure case sensitivity is on (Alt + C)

  • 1
    That doesn't work. It matches 2+ uppercase letters. But I understand that \L is for lowercase. I updated the question.
    – leemour
    Commented Dec 23, 2013 at 11:26

Regular expression



Sublime Text uses the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) engine from the Boost library to power regular expressions in search panels.

\L Converts everything up to lowercase

$0 Capture groups


In BBEdit works this (ex.: changing the ID values to lowercase):

Search any value: <a id="(?P<x>.*?)"></a> Replace with the same in lowercase: <a id="\L\P<x>\E"></a>

Was: <a id="VALUE"></a> Became: <a id="value"></a>


To convert snake_case words with some additional fields starting with _:





Use first:

  • FIND: (\w)_(\w)
  • REPLACE: $1\U$2

Then, just replace "_" to "" (Blank space)

splitText = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', lambda x: x.group() + '*', text).split('* ')
return splitText.replace('*', '')

This uses the regex expression (import re), then removes the leftover asterisks. If you only need to use the sentence ending question marks, replace r'[^\w\s]' with r'[.?!]'

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