I published my first rubygem here: https://rubygems.org/gems/blomming_api (source code here: https://github.com/solyaris/blomming_api)
I used bundler, that create three rake tasks with bundle gem
$ rake -T
rake build # Build blomming_api-0.3.7.gem into the pkg directory
rake install # Build and install blomming_api-0.3.7.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v0.3.7 and build and push blomming_api-0.3.7.gem to Rubygems
All fine if install locally the gem with rake install
$ rake install
blomming_api 0.3.7 built to pkg/blomming_api-0.3.7.gem.
blomming_api (0.3.7) installed.
The problem arise when I try to release:
$ rake release
blomming_api 0.3.7 built to pkg/blomming_api-0.3.7.gem.
Tagged v0.3.7.
Untagging v0.3.7 due to error.
rake aborted!
Couldn't git push. `git push 2>&1' failed with the following output:
fatal: No configured push destination.
Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using
git remote add <name> <url>
and then push using the remote name
git push <name>
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:104:in `perform_git_push'
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:96:in `git_push'
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:77:in `block in release_gem'
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:129:in `tag_version'
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:77:in `release_gem'
/home/solyaris/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/bundler-1.3.5/lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb:50:in `block in install'
Tasks: TOP => release
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Nevertheless I'm able to publish the gem with successfull gem push
$ gem push pkg/blomming_api-0.3.7.gem
Pushing gem to https://rubygems.org...
Successfully registered gem: blomming_api (0.3.7)
I presume that problem is on the git push remote configuration... Any idea to help me configure git to let rake release run ?
BTW, I already configured my rubygems credentials on /home/solyaris/.gem and git push on github run ok. I know... my git reluctance is big ;-) Thanks giorgio