I added a button to my storyboard, and assigned a music to be played when the button is clicked. I used the event touch up inside

My question is, how can I make the button to toggle the music on and off when it is clicked.



For those of you who are interested in seeing the App, I made a repository on github. Here's the link https://github.com/edwinlimantara/IncrediboxV2. Please contribute, if you feel it is an interesting project.

I tried to make something similar to http://incredibox.com/v2/. Check it out! It is a very cool website.

3 Answers 3


If you are using AVAudioPlayer you can toggle the music player on button tap like:

    [audioPlayer stop];
    audioPlayer = nil;
    // initialize audio player and play
  • Oh thank you so much, I didn't know .isPlaying before
    – dodgerblue
    Dec 30, 2013 at 5:54

You can do like below, say below method is called on button tap event then,

      UIButton *mButton = (UIButton*)sender;
if (mButton.selected==NO)
    [mButton setSelected:YES];

    //do your stuff here;
else if (mButton.selected==YES)
    [mButton setSelected:NO];
    // do your stuff here

  • It's probably better to take advantage of using .isPlaying in AVAudioPlayer. Thanks anyway for your answer
    – dodgerblue
    Dec 30, 2013 at 6:05

Better you can use UISwitch rather than button to toggle. If you want to use UIButton then you can use tags and and two different images.

if(soundButton.tag == 1)
    [audioPlayer stop];
    audioPlayer = nil;
    soundButton.tag = 0; 
// Change the button image to Off
    // initialize audio player and play
    soundButton.tag = 1; 
// Play the music & Change the button image to ON

  • That's a good idea. I can also change the image, that's even better. Thank you
    – dodgerblue
    Dec 30, 2013 at 6:02

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