how to send some information from one web form to another web form in asp.net first web form is HumanList.aspx that shows the list of humans in a GridView component. when user click edit link, i want to pass humanID (value of human record ID) from HumanList.aspx to another web form named HumanEdit.aspx. In humanEdit.aspx, i want to load that human (With humanID) and fill human information into text boxes.

  • Typically, queryString is use for this, not Session.
    – roydukkey
    Commented Jan 1, 2014 at 6:11

5 Answers 5


There are many ways to pass params between pages.

  1. Use Querystring.

Source page - Response.Redirect("second.aspx?param=value");

Destination page - Request.QueryString["param"].

  1. Use Session.

Source page - Session["param"] = "value"; value is set here.

Destination page - Session["param"].ToString(). value is retrieved here.

  1. Use PreviousPage property. Note: This applies if you redirect from first.aspx ( just an example here), to second.aspx , then you can use PreviousPage.<propname> in second.aspx to values set in first.aspx.

In second.aspx you need to add directive like this <%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/first.aspx" %>.

  1. Use Request.Form to read posted values.

If there are input, dropdownlist existing in source page and you are posting value to second.aspx, then you can read posted value using Request.Form["input_id"].

  1. Use cookies to transfer values. First save some value to cookie from first.aspx and read that value from second.aspx.

Refer to MSDN for more info - MSDN link


Consider using session or query string.

Session could be used like

pass value


get value like

 var value= Session["value"].toString();

You could pass values with the help of properties too


I would suggest storing it in the session state: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178581.aspx


Well, there are many ways to pass information page to page.

one primary way is by QueryString

//To Send
private void submit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    string ID = String.Empty;

    ID = "192" // Have your ID Here

    Response.Redirect("humanEdit.aspx?ID=" + ID );

//To Receive
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   String ID = String.Empty;

Another Method is Sessions

//Store your ID from Sending Page
Session["ID"]= "143"; //Example ID

//To Recieve
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   String ID = String.Empty;

And there are many other ways too...

  • Negative Voters can explain why this answer got down vote?
    – Kirk
    Commented Dec 12, 2015 at 5:47
  • ID=Request.QueryString["name"]; or ID=Request.QueryString["ID"]; ?
    – Kiran RS
    Commented Apr 19, 2016 at 7:27

Say You have a gridview1 with a button field Say "Modify" First Provide a command Name to that field Say "Mod" Now in Gridview1_RowCommand() function of HumanList.aspx page write the code like this-

switch (e.CommandName.Trim())
case "Mod":
int r1=Int32.Parse((e.CommandArgument).ToString());
Response.Redirect("HumanEdit.aspx?id=" + Session["id"]);

Now in HumanEdit.aspx.cs you can make your own class and with in that class you can have a datatable object.Store the Sql query in that object and call that class in page_load(). Say class is

Public void show()
Within datatable object you can write your query like this
select x,y,z, from tbl_name where id=" + Request.QueryString["id"]

This much of code is enough to get what you want.

  • @user3150674: Hello, If you feel like you have got help from the post, please mark it as answer. Thank You. Feel free to ask your queries.
    – Omi
    Commented Jan 4, 2014 at 8:16

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