I'm having trouble around reading from a text file into a String in Java. I have a text file (created in Eclipse, if that matters) that contains a short amount of text -- approximately 98 characters. Reading that file to a String via several methods results in a String that is quite a bit longer -- 1621 characters. All but the relevant 98 are invisible in the debugger/console.
I've tried the following methods to load the String:
apache commons-io:
FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path));
FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path), "UTF-8");
byte[] b = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(path);
new String(b, "UTF-8");
byte[] b = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(path);
new String(Files.readAllBytes(path);
And so on.
Is there a method to strip away these control chars? Is there a way to read files to strings that doesn't have this issue?
As noted in the comments below, this behavior is due to a corrupted(?) file generated by Eclipse. I'd still be interested in hearing any strategies for trimming away control characters from Strings, though!