I have a django model consist of 140 columns which contain 10 date types, 60 char types, 70 number types.

class SOA_detail(models.Model):

Is there a way to group up by data types and place the column name in a list.

char_fields = [] # storage for character fields column name
num_fields  = [] # storage for number fields column name
date_fields = [] # storage for date fields column name

So far I know is to take the column name.

 # take all field names from model
 for model_field in SOA_detail._meta._fields():
      if #datatype is char: ---??
      elif #datatype is num: ---??
      elif #datatype is date: ---??

Thank you for your time reading my question.

2 Answers 2


There is a builtin method in python called isinstance which checks if an object is an instance of a specific class or not, using this method you can do it like this:

for model_field in SOA_detail._meta._fields():
  if isinstance(model_field, CharField):
  elif isinstance(model_field, IntegerField):
  elif isinstance(model_filed, DateTimeField):

Use isinstance.

For example:

>>> from django.db import models
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> [f.name for f in User._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.CharField)]
['password', 'username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
>>> [f.name for f in User._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.DateTimeField)]
['last_login', 'date_joined']
>>> [f.name for f in User._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.IntegerField)]
>>> [f.name for f in User._meta.fields if isinstance(f, models.AutoField)]
  • this is a great example, sir. Jan 13, 2014 at 7:09

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