For separation of concerns, configuration edition in production is done by a ops or support, not development team. What is reliable option to enable ops/support to check the sed editions are correct?

A number of lines edited or all edited lines on the standard output would work for example. Does sed offer such options?


  • Sounds like you need a versionning system (Subversion? cvs ? git ?) (for anything text/script/source). That will allow you to see what changed, have tags, branches, ability to revert to last known good version, etc. Commented Jan 14, 2014 at 12:16

2 Answers 2


It depends on what you want. You can simply do a context diff between the input and the output, or you can arrange for sed to only print the lines it changes by using -n to suppress the normal printing and adding p after any substitute commands. If you're using a or i, you'll have to work a bit harder.


If you are familiar with diff (or vim), you can check the modifications without modifying the files like:

diff ORIGINAL_FILE <(sed 's/foo/bar/g' ORIGINAL_FILE)


vimdiff ORIGINAL_FILE <(sed 's/foo/bar/g' ORIGINAL_FILE)

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