I have the following piece of Perl code, but I can't understand what its doing.

use constant ANIMAL => 'rabbit'; 
if ($self->{+ANIMAL}) {
    # Do something here

What does the + sign before the constant ANIMAL mean?

  • "What does a plus sign in perl map mean?" I don't see map in your code. Commented Jan 16, 2014 at 21:49
  • @ThisSuitIsBlackNot some people call a hash a map, so maybe that is what Nosrettap meant?
    – asjo
    Commented Jan 16, 2014 at 22:02

2 Answers 2


From perldoc constant:

You can get into trouble if you use constants in a context which automatically quotes barewords (as is true for any subroutine call). For example, you can't say $hash{CONSTANT} because CONSTANT will be interpreted as a string. Use $hash{CONSTANT()} or $hash{+CONSTANT} to prevent the bareword quoting mechanism from kicking in. Similarly, since the => operator quotes a bareword immediately to its left, you have to say CONSTANT() => 'value' (or simply use a comma in place of the big arrow) instead of CONSTANT => 'value'.

  • 10
    It's worth mentioning that + is the unary plus operator, which simply yields the value of its operand. It's basically a no-op, used here to tweak the syntax. Commented Jan 16, 2014 at 22:38

Building upon Denis Ibaev's response, B::Deparse can show how the code is parsed with and without using the +:

perl -MO=Deparse,-p script.pl

With +:

use constant ('ANIMAL', 'rabbit');
if ($$self{+'rabbit'}) {
script.pl syntax OK

Without +:

use constant ('ANIMAL', 'rabbit');
if ($$self{'ANIMAL'}) {
script.pl syntax OK

Note that the + invokes using the constant where the bareword ANIMAL is used without the +.

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