I need to serve real-time graphs and I would like to deliver a mjpeg stream over http (so that it is easy to include the graphs in a web-page by using a plain tag).

Is it possible to create an mjpeg stream from multiple jpeg images, in realtime ?

My strategy is:

  1. Output the correct http headers:

    Cache-Control:no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0
    Expires:Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:34:56 GMT

    (got it from a curl -I {on a mjpeg-streamer instance}, but this seems strange)

  2. Simply yield the successive jpeg images binaries, taking care to:

    • prepend the correct headers at the beginning of the stream (as mjpeg-streamer does):

      Content-Type: image/jpeg
      Content-Length: 5427
      X-Timestamp: 3927662.086099
    • append the boundary string at the end of each jpeg streams.



Have you done that,

do you know a python module that does that,

do you think it would work,

have you got any advice ?

  • This is multiple questions, and most of them don't actually work on StackOverflow. The first is "share your experiences", the second is library-shopping, the third is too general, and the fourth is just asking for general advice. This would probably fit better on a mailing list or forum. (If you have a more specific question that's more related to writing the code or interpreting the protocol, of course, that would be a perfect question for SO.)
    – abarnert
    Commented Jan 17, 2014 at 23:11
  • 1
    Thank you for your advice, I have to learn posting good question. However, I find myself with a working proof-of-concept. I think I will post it here as an answer to my own question, is it a good thing or shall I delete that question ?
    – Damien
    Commented Jan 17, 2014 at 23:24
  • 1
    I don't think it's useful as an answer to a question no one else will ever ask. Especially since it's just a link (and a link to code that could change in the future). If you want people to look over your code, use CodeReview rather than StackOverflow. If you want people to use your code, wrap it up and put it on PyPI.
    – abarnert
    Commented Jan 17, 2014 at 23:26
  • However, you might want to wait for replies from more than one user before making any decision on what to do with it. I'm certainly not always right.
    – abarnert
    Commented Jan 17, 2014 at 23:27
  • 2
    I believe this is quite a good question, being someone in the same position. You just need a way for doing this in the easiest way possible, which might be a library or some glue code or literally just anything. Its about solving a problem, not just asking the perfect question. Commented Nov 30, 2014 at 15:10

2 Answers 2


I got it working as a proof-of-concept: https://github.com/damiencorpataux/pymjpeg

For memory:

import os, time
from glob import glob
import sys
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler

boundary = '--boundarydonotcross'

def request_headers():
    return {
        'Cache-Control': 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0',
        'Connection': 'close',
        'Content-Type': 'multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=%s' % boundary,
        'Expires': 'Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:34:56 GMT',
        'Pragma': 'no-cache',

def image_headers(filename):
    return {
        'X-Timestamp': time.time(),
        'Content-Length': os.path.getsize(filename),
        #FIXME: mime-type must be set according file content
        'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg',

# FIXME: should take a binary stream
def image(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        # for byte in f.read(1) while/if byte ?
        byte = f.read(1)
        while byte:
            yield byte
            # Next byte
            byte = f.read(1)

# Basic HTTP server
class MyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        # Response headers (multipart)
        for k, v in pymjpeg.request_headers().items():
            self.send_header(k, v) 
        # Multipart content
        for filename in glob('img/*'):
            # Part boundary string
            # Part headers
            for k, v in pymjpeg.image_headers(filename).items():
                self.send_header(k, v) 
            # Part binary
            for chunk in pymjpeg.image(filename):
    def log_message(self, format, *args):

httpd = HTTPServer(('', 8001), MyHandler)

You may use Flask framework to do this.
It is not only for mjpeg.
I adapted some code from here: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/video-streaming-with-flask


#!/usr/bin/env python
from importlib import import_module
import os
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response

# import camera driver
if os.environ.get('CAMERA'):
    Camera = import_module('camera_' + os.environ['CAMERA']).Camera
    from camera import Camera

# Raspberry Pi camera module (requires picamera package)
# from camera_pi import Camera

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    """Video streaming home page."""
    return render_template('index.html')

def gen(camera):
    """Video streaming generator function."""
    while True:
        frame = camera.get_frame()
        yield (b'--frame\r\n'
               b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + frame + b'\r\n')

def video_feed():
    """Video streaming route. Put this in the src attribute of an img tag."""
    return Response(gen(Camera()),
                    mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', threaded=True)


import time
import threading
    from greenlet import getcurrent as get_ident
except ImportError:
        from thread import get_ident
    except ImportError:
        from _thread import get_ident

class CameraEvent(object):
    """An Event-like class that signals all active clients when a new frame is
    def __init__(self):
        self.events = {}

    def wait(self):
        """Invoked from each client's thread to wait for the next frame."""
        ident = get_ident()
        if ident not in self.events:
            # this is a new client
            # add an entry for it in the self.events dict
            # each entry has two elements, a threading.Event() and a timestamp
            self.events[ident] = [threading.Event(), time.time()]
        return self.events[ident][0].wait()

    def set(self):
        """Invoked by the camera thread when a new frame is available."""
        now = time.time()
        remove = None
        for ident, event in self.events.items():
            if not event[0].isSet():
                # if this client's event is not set, then set it
                # also update the last set timestamp to now
                event[1] = now
                # if the client's event is already set, it means the client
                # did not process a previous frame
                # if the event stays set for more than 5 seconds, then assume
                # the client is gone and remove it
                if now - event[1] > 5:
                    remove = ident
        if remove:
            del self.events[remove]

    def clear(self):
        """Invoked from each client's thread after a frame was processed."""

class BaseCamera(object):
    thread = None  # background thread that reads frames from camera
    frame = None  # current frame is stored here by background thread
    last_access = 0  # time of last client access to the camera
    event = CameraEvent()

    def __init__(self):
        """Start the background camera thread if it isn't running yet."""
        if BaseCamera.thread is None:
            BaseCamera.last_access = time.time()

            # start background frame thread
            BaseCamera.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread)

            # wait until frames are available
            while self.get_frame() is None:

    def get_frame(self):
        """Return the current camera frame."""
        BaseCamera.last_access = time.time()

        # wait for a signal from the camera thread

        return BaseCamera.frame

    def frames():
        """"Generator that returns frames from the camera."""
        raise RuntimeError('Must be implemented by subclasses.')

    def _thread(cls):
        """Camera background thread."""
        print('Starting camera thread.')
        frames_iterator = cls.frames()
        for frame in frames_iterator:
            BaseCamera.frame = frame
            BaseCamera.event.set()  # send signal to clients

            # if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in
            # the last 10 seconds then stop the thread
            if time.time() - BaseCamera.last_access > 10:
                print('Stopping camera thread due to inactivity.')
        BaseCamera.thread = None


#D:\gstreamer\1.0\x86\bin>gst-launch-1.0.exe  multifilesrc loop=true start-index=0 stop-index=0 location=d:/python/temp.png ! decodebin ! identity sleep-time=1000000 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
import shutil
import time
import os,sys
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageFile
from io import BytesIO
from base_camera import BaseCamera

im = Image.new("RGB", (300, 30), (220, 180, 180))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join("fonts", "msyh.ttf"), 16)
text =time.strftime("%m/%d  %H:%M:%S") +u"这是一段测试文本。"
dr.text((10, 5), text, font=font, fill="#000000")


text =time.strftime("%m/%d  %H:%M:%S") +u"这是一段测试文本。"
dr.text((10, 5),text, font=font, fill="#000000")
f = BytesIO()


class Camera(BaseCamera):
    """An emulated camera implementation that streams a repeated sequence of
    files 1.jpg, 2.jpg and 3.jpg at a rate of one frame penr second."""
    imgs = [open(f + '.jpg', 'rb').read() for f in ['1', '2', '3']]

    def frames():

        while True:
            text =time.strftime("%m/%d  %H:%M:%S") +u"这是一段测试文本。"
            dr.text((10, 5), text, font=font, fill="#000000")
            f = BytesIO()
            try :

            except :

                print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
          #  shutil.copy("d:/python/temp2.png","d:/python/temp.png")


            yield  f.read()  #Camera.imgs[int(time.time()) % 3]
  • 1
    I've tried your approach and it works! Flask only errors big time when trying to open the stream in multiple browsers. The '--' boundry of the mjpeg than cannot be found anymore somehow..
    – Nebulosar
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 12:37

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