I have seen a lot of Carousels to show off WPF. I have never really need one before now though.

Is there a decent free one?

I have access to the Dev Express one, but I am making an open source project and would rather not put code in it that others cannot easily compile.

  • Which version of Visual Studio are you using? I've been looking for one too, I've found various paid for ones, but I've never seen one in Visual Studio 2008
    – ChrisF
    Jan 23, 2010 at 22:51
  • You are right. I should have looked closer. That was the afore mentioned Dev Express Item. Thanks double checking. I removed the text that was incorrect from my question.
    – Vaccano
    Jan 23, 2010 at 23:24

1 Answer 1


After some searching, I (re)found the free and fabulous FluidKit (http://fluidkit.codeplex.com/)

It has many controls that are great. One of them is the ElementFlow. This control has many great views methods. One of them is the Carousel view.

(Just as a side note, after looking at them all I think I like the VForm and CoverFlow views best. They are kind of a carousel like view, but can handle a lot of items with out needing resizing.)

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