How can I create a number of text files, which include the filenames of the files in a specific directory, up to a maximum of 999 rows per text file?

I started from this:

find ./J0902-405/*.evt -maxdepth 1 -type f -fprintf files_xselect.list %f\\n

And it writes the filenames properly in the textfile. But afterwords, I need to put the 999 rows limit, and after that limit, create another text file with the following 999 names, and so on, until all the *.evt files are listed.

3 Answers 3


find ./J0902-405/*.evt -maxdepth 1 -type f | split -l999 -

From the manual page:

   split - split a file into pieces

   split [OPTION]... [INPUT [PREFIX]]

   Output  fixed-size pieces of INPUT to PREFIXaa, PREFIXab, ...; default size is 1000 
   lines, and default PREFIX is `x'.  With no INPUT, or when INPUT is -, read standard 

   -l, --lines=NUMBER
          put NUMBER lines per output file
  • 2
    +1 Never heard of split before, learning something knew every day. Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 4:09
  • It's very much a truism in POSIX, that most of the time, there's already the tool for the job, for simple enough values of $JOB. (:
    – DopeGhoti
    Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 4:10

@DopeGhoti's answer is the right approach, but let me flesh it out a bit, for those new to split (like me):

find ./J0902-405 -maxdepth 1 -name '*.evt' -type f -printf '%f\n' | \
  split -l 999 -d - files_xselect.list.
  • -name ... with a quoted filename pattern lets find do the pathname expansion (as opposed to the shell - no point in letting both the shell and find do the work).
  • -printf '%f\n' ensures that only filenames (no path components) are output, as in the OP.
  • -l 999 specifies the split size in lines; default is 1000.
  • -d causes numerical suffixes to be used for the output files (00, 01, ...) rather than the default letters (aa, ab, ...) [note: won't work on OSX]; default suffix length is 2; to control the number of digits/chars. in the suffix, use -a {length}.
  • - causes split to read from stdin - in this case, the output from find.
  • files_xselect.list. is the output-file prefix; thus, we get files files_xselect.list.00, files_xselect.list.01, ...

If you want more control over the output filename - e.g., to move the suffix data to a different part of the filename - you can use the --filter option (note: won't work on OS X), which accepts a shell command to which the output data for each file is piped, along with variable $FILE containing the name of the respective output filename; this gives you the chance to modify the output filename based on it:

For instance, to create output files named files_xselect.00.list, ... - i.e., to place the suffix data before the filename extension, you'd use:

... | split -l 999 -d --filter='> ${FILE}.list' - 'files_xselect.'

Something like


for file in ./J0902-405/*.evt; do
  [[ $i > 999 ]] && i=0 && j=$((j+1))
  [[ -f $file ]] && i=$((i+1)) && echo "${file##*/}" >> "fileofnames$j.txt"

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