I'm trying to display Unicode chars from Wingdings font (it's Unicode TrueType font supporting symbol charset only). It's displayed correctly on my Win7/64 system using corresponding regional OS settings:
- Formats: Russian
- Location: Russia
- System locale (AKA Language for Non-Unicode applications): English
But if I switch System locale to Russian, Unicode characters with codes > 127 are displayed incorrectly (replaced with boxes).
My application is created as using Unicode Charset in Visual Studio, it calls only Unicode Windows API functions.
Also I noted that several Windows apps also display such chars incorrectly with symbol fonts (Symbol, Wingdings, Webdings etc), e.g. Notepad, Beyond Compare 3. But WordPad and MS Office apps aren't affected.
Here is minimal code snippet (resources cleanup skipped for brevity):
LOGFONTW lf = { 0 };
lf.lfCharSet = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
lf.lfHeight = 50;
wcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, L"Wingdings");
HFONT f = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf);
SelectObject(hdc, f);
// First two chars displayed OK, 3rd and 4th aren't (replaced with boxes) if
// Non-Unicode apps language is NOT English.
TextOutW(hdc, 10, 10, L"\x7d\x7e\x81\xfc");
So the question is: why the hell Non-Unicode apps language setting affects Unicode apps?
And what is the correct (and most simple) way to display SYMBOL_CHARSET
fonts without dependency to OS system locale?