For anyone who will come around the same issue, here is a workaround:
safe_mclapply <- function(X, FUN, mc.cores, stop.on.error=T, ...){
fun <- function(x){
res_inner <- tryCatch({
expr = {
FUN(x, ...)
warning = function(e) {
message_parallel(trimws(paste0("WARNING [element ", x,"]: ", e)))
# this line is required to continue FUN execution after the warning
error = function(e) {
message_parallel(trimws(paste0("ERROR [element ", x,"]: ", e)))
error = function(e){
# error is returned gracefully; other results of this core won't be affected
res <- mclapply(X, fun, mc.cores=mc.cores)
failed <- sapply(res, inherits, what = "error")
if (any(failed == T)){
error_indices <- paste0(which(failed == T), collapse=", ")
error_traces <- paste0(lapply(res[which(failed == T)], function(x) x$message), collapse="\n\n")
error_message <- sprintf("Elements with following indices failed with an error: %s. Error messages: \n\n%s",
if (stop.on.error)
warning(error_message, "\n\n### Errors will be ignored ###")
#' Function which prints a message using shell echo; useful for printing messages from inside mclapply when running in Rstudio
message_parallel <- function(...){
system(sprintf('echo "\n%s\n"', paste0(..., collapse="")))
above is a wrapper around mclapply
. For each iteration it uses withCallingHandlers
to catch and print warnings and errors; note that invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
is required in order to continue FUN
exection and return the result. Printing is done via message_parallel
function which uses shell echo
to print messages to R console (tested to work in Rstudio).
provides few more features which you might find optional:
- along with the warning and error it prints character representation of
which I find useful because it gives an idea where the message comes from
around withCallingHandlers
helps to return an error gracefully so that other results of the core are not affected
- after
is executed, the indices of error results are printed
provides an option to ignore any results which contain error and continue despite the errors
Side note: I personally prefer pbmclapply
function from pbmcapply over mclapply
which adds a progress bar. You can change mclapply
to pbmclapply
in the code above.
Small snippet to test the code:
X <- list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
f <- function(x){
if (x == 3){
warning("a warning")
warning("second warning")
if (x == 6){
stop("an error")
return(x + 1)
res <- safe_mclapply(X = X, FUN = f, mc.cores=16)
res_no_stop <- safe_mclapply(X = X, FUN = f, mc.cores=16, stop.on.error = F)