Is it possible to secure multiple domains with a single certificate using wildcard domains and a SAN?

For example, one SAN certificate that secures both *.domain1.com and *.domain2.com?

Everything I have read so far seems to indicate that you can have either a wildcard certificate (*.domain1.com) OR a SAN certificate (host1.domain1.com, host2.domain2.com), but not a combination. Is this correct?

  • it's possible to get wildcard certs issued, and some certs can cover multiple hosts. multi-domain wildcards would be a major security nightmare...
    – Marc B
    Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 20:33
  • @MarcB Which would be a very reasonable explanation of why it might not be possible to do that :-)
    – ibrewster
    Commented Jan 31, 2014 at 20:49
  • 3
    It is not possbible to have names with multiple wildcards in it, but according to RFC2818 it should be possible to have both *.domain1.com and *.domain2.com together inside the certificates SAN part. And I don't see this as a security nightmare. Commented Feb 1, 2014 at 9:45
  • Do we know if wildcard subdomains in SAN is valid as well (i.e. *.sub.domain.com)?
    – Matt Borja
    Commented May 5, 2016 at 16:45
  • 3
    This should be reopened. This should be an exception or change the rules. This is grey area. Commented Oct 23, 2020 at 23:39

3 Answers 3


Yes, it's certainly technically possible. For instance, the cetrtificate for Microsoft Outlook Web Access (https://outlook.office365.com) was issued to outlook.com, and has a combination of wildcarded and non-wildcarded names in the SAN section:

DNS Name=outlook.com
DNS Name=*.outlook.com
DNS Name=office365.com
DNS Name=*.office365.com
DNS Name=*.live.com
DNS Name=*.internal.outlook.com
DNS Name=*.outlook.office365.com
DNS Name=outlook.office.com
DNS Name=attachment.outlook.office.net
DNS Name=attachment.outlook.officeppe.net

Of course, as pointed out above, this cert was issued by Microsoft themselves, so they can pretty much do what they want.

  • 5
    you can view these like true | openssl s_client -connect outlook.office365.com:443 | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -B1 DNS: (adapted from stackoverflow.com/a/13128918/1695680) Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 22:21
  • 2
    For anyone looking for powershell command to accomplish this, it looks like this: New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject *.my.domain -DnsName my.domain, *.my.domain -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10) Commented Jul 5, 2017 at 20:41
  • Thanks for wonderful example. I was trying to find the same
    – Jay Rajput
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 10:29

I assume you use want to use the certificate for HTTP. In this case you need to look at RFC 2818. This RFC clearly defines that common name should only be used if no subject alternative names are configured, but it allows wildcards certificates in the SAN extension. So it should be possible to combine several non-wildcard and wildcard certificates inside the SAN part of the certificate.

It looks like various CAs have different policies about creating certificates mixing wildcard and non-wildcard: While Thawte argues that mixing is not possible (https://community.thawte.com/blog-posts/difference-between-wildcard-ssl-vs-san-certificate) DigiCert propagates it as the best of both worlds (http://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/wildcard-san-names.htm). So it seems to be more a limitation of the CAs and not of the browsers and definitely not of the standard.

  • Yes, it's possible - I use one myself. Most CA's have policies that maximize their profit, so you're starting to talk big money if you look at the few who allow you to do that. The one exception is StartCOM who have unlimited free wildcard SAN's after you pay their verification surcharge (which only lasts a short time)
    – cnd
    Commented Jan 1, 2015 at 6:23
  • 3
    It's completely possible. We're using one right now. You can look at it using OpenSSL openssl s_client -connect api.smartystreets.com:443. Search Google for "Comodo Positive Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL". Commented Aug 4, 2016 at 5:24
  • 2
    For anyone else seeing this answer, it may be worth noting that DigiCert's offering is not multi-wildcard - they offer a single certificate that is e.g. *.subdomain1.example.org and test.subdomain2.example.org, but they do not offer *.subdomain1.example.org and *.subdomain2.example.org on a single certificate Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 18:49
  • I looked at the digicert link, but they are only supporting SANS and calling it a wildcard? Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 10:55
  • 1
    @JensTimmerman: Note that this answer is nearly 7 years old. CA's might have changed their offerings in the meantime. Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 11:32

I just wanted to provide you a overview about both wildcard and SAN certs.


A wildcard certificate allows for unlimited subdomains to be protected with a single certificate.

For example, you could use a wildcard certificate for the domain name abc.com and that cert would also work for mail.abc.com, ftp.abc.com and any other subdomain. The wildcard refers to the fact that the cert is provisioned for *.abc.com.

It does not allow extended validations.


A SAN cert allows for multiple domain names to be protected with a single certificate.

For example, you could get a certificate for abc.com, and then add more SAN values to have the same certificate protect abc.org, abc.net and even abc.xyz

It allows extended validations.

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