I need some helping writing a regex statement to split a string containing some tags (not true HTML, I'm just using using <i> and <b> tags to format some text), and keep the delimiters. For example this string:

<b>a bold quote:</b> this is some sample test. How <i>do</i> I do this?

Would be transformed to:

<b>a bold quote:</b>
 this is sample text. How 
 I do this?

1 Answer 1


With most regex flavors, you do something close by putting the splitting expression in a capture group.

new Regex("(<[^>]+>)").Split("test <b>string</b>")

produces an array with the items


(and an empty string at the end)

If you want to find the things inside the tags, and they're definitely not nested in any way, you can do

new Regex("(<[^>]+>[^<]*</[^>]+>)").Split("test <b>string</b>")


  • I'm looking to keep the open/close tags in the same line
    – Jason
    Feb 5, 2014 at 2:06
  • +1. @Jason - unclear what is you comment "keep the open/close tags in the same line" is about... There is nothing in the answer that adds extra new lines... Feb 5, 2014 at 2:11
  • Thanks Steve, the second example if what I'm looking for
    – Jason
    Feb 5, 2014 at 2:26

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