Trying to upgrade from to 1.4.
I set up MAMP and created an empty database into which I imported the exported database from the online site (done via phpMyAdmin from the cpanel of the site).
Copied 1.4 files into htdocs and got the installation screens.
After entering the details for the imported database, the process crashed and I got a blank screen.
I've tried changing the base url string in the core_config_data table and redone the whole process but to no avail.
I've also tried setting up a clean install of 1.4 and using the database repair tool to perhaps bring the old database up to spec but that didn't work either.
I basically need a proper way to upgrade this site to the latest version (1.8.1) but I thought I'd start with 1.4 first. At the very least I'd like to have a database that can work in a fresh 1.8.1 install.