I may be missing something extremely obvious but I can't get gulp-mocha to catch errors, causing my gulp watch task to end everytime I have a failing test.

It's a very simple set up:

gulp.task("watch", ["build"], function () {
  gulp.watch([paths.scripts, paths.tests], ["test"]);

gulp.task("test", function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.tests)
    .pipe(mocha({ reporter: "spec" }).on("error", gutil.log));

Alternatively, putting the handler on the entire stream also gives the same problem:

gulp.task("test", function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.tests)
    .pipe(mocha({ reporter: "spec" }))
    .on("error", gutil.log);

I've also tried using plumber, combine and gulp-batch to no avail, so I guess I'm overlooking something trivial.

Gist: http://gist.github.com/RoyJacobs/b518ebac117e95ff1457

  • Where is the mocha symbol coming from in your code? (What defines it?)
    – Louis
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 12:17
  • It's mocha = require("gulp-mocha")
    – Roy Jacobs
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 12:58
  • If the failing test is an asynchronous test, then please disable all asynchronous tests that fail (you can comment them out), and add a synchronous test that fails (assert that true === false for instance). Is the problem still present after this modification?
    – Louis
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 13:10
  • Yes, the entire test suite consists of a single test containing just a simple assert. I've provided a reproduction gist here: gist.github.com/RoyJacobs/b518ebac117e95ff1457
    – Roy Jacobs
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 14:07
  • I was thinking there might be a problem between Mocha's error handling and gulp's (because I've seen it happen between Mocha and other tools) but it does not seem to be the case here.
    – Louis
    Commented Feb 6, 2014 at 17:22

2 Answers 2


You need to ignore 'error' and always emit 'end' to make 'gulp.watch' work.

function handleError(err) {

gulp.task("test", function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.tests)
    .pipe(mocha({ reporter: "spec" })
    .on("error", handleError));

This makes 'gulp test' to always return '0' which is problematic for Continuous Integration, but I think we have no choice at this time.

  • This is awesome. I hated that my gulp stream was ending each time I was writing typos in SCSS
    – xyhhx
    Commented Mar 29, 2015 at 2:53
  • Any solution for the gulp test returning 0 part? Still the best solution, in spite of this minor drawback... :) Thank you!!! Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 13:01

Expanding on Shuhei Kagawa's answer..

emitting end will prevent gulp exiting due to the uncaught error being converted into an exception.

Set a watching var to track whether you are running test through watch, then exit or not depending on whether you are developing or running CI.

var watching = false;

function onError(err) {
  if (watching) {
  } else {
    // if you want to be really specific

gulp.task("test", function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.tests)
    .pipe(mocha({ reporter: "spec" }).on("error", onError));

gulp.task("watch", ["build"], function () {
  watching = true;
  gulp.watch([paths.tests], ["test"]);

This can then be used for development and CI


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