Is it possible to convert a HTML5 file or text to epub file via a unix command line ? Is it possible to automate this process ??


2 Answers 2


You can try pandoc

sudo apt-get install pandoc
pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o output.epub input.html

You can add metadata for epub:

pandoc -f html -t epub3 --epub-metadata=metadata.xml -o output.epub input.html

Metadata xml file: metadata.xml


Another option is using the following after installing calibre.

ebook-convert  input.html output.epub

I found some break lines errors with pandoc, that didn't happen with ebook-convert


  • And to add metadata and cover, you can use ebook-meta in combination with ebook-convert Commented Apr 10, 2023 at 23:43

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