I have categories and subcategories.
The structure of data is like the blog shows:
categories: {
-JF1RmYehtF3IoGN9xHG(categoryId): {
title: "Example",
subcategories: {
JF1RmYehtF3IoGN239GJ(subCategoryId): true
To now i retrieved the data this way(for just one category):[controller]
$scope.findOneCategory = function (categoryId) {
angularFire(Categories.find(categoryId), $scope, 'category');
And Categories service
find: function(categoryId) {
return FireRef.categories().child('/'+categoryId);
This works good!
But now i need to retrieve a list of subcategories in category and bind it to the scope and i dont know how...i have currently this:
The view:
<div ng-init="findSubCategories()">
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="subCategory in subCategories">{{ subCategory.name }}</li>
The controller:
$scope.findSubCategories = function() {
angularFire(Categories.findSubCategories($routeParams.categoryId), $scope, 'subCategories');
And the service look like this i tried something but it's wrong and have no idea how it should looks like... if anyone could help i would be so glad!
findSubCategories: function(categoryId) {
var subCategoriesIdsList = FireRef.categories().child('/'+categoryId).child('subcategories');
subCategoriesIdsList.on("child_added", function(snap) {
FireRef.subcategories().child("/"+snap.name()).once("value", function(snap) {
// Render the comment on the link page.
console.log(snap.val());(i see the object in console but have no idea how to bind it now with the view...:(
dont know how to bind this with angular view