Well I wrote some code and all I was doing was for loops, but changing which method I called. I tried using a for loop so it'd be a bit neater (and out of curiosity to see if it could be done), but it doesn't compile when I do it this way, because it doesn't recognize an item in an array as a method, I think. This is what I have:
String[] moveArray = {moveRight,moveDown,moveLeft,moveUp};
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
while (myWumpus.moveArray[i]) {
When I try compile I get
not a statement myWumpus.moveArray[i]();
';' expected myWumpus.moveArray[i]();
(It refers to the first statement in the while loop)
So, I think it's maybe because I'm making it an Array of type String? Is there a type Method? Is this at all possible? Any solutions welcome :). Also, I can get it to work using 4 while loops, so you don't need to show me that solution.