I want to use use the dplyr::group_by
function inside another function, but I do not know how to pass the arguments to this function.
Can someone provide a working example?
iris %.% group_by(Species) %.% summarise(n = n()) #
## Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
## Species n
## 1 virginica 50
## 2 versicolor 50
## 3 setosa 50
mytable0 <- function(x, ...) x %.% group_by(...) %.% summarise(n = n())
mytable0(iris, "Species") # OK
## Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
## Species n
## 1 virginica 50
## 2 versicolor 50
## 3 setosa 50
mytable1 <- function(x, key) x %.% group_by(as.name(key)) %.% summarise(n = n())
mytable1(iris, "Species") # Wrong!
# Error: unsupported type for column 'as.name(key)' (SYMSXP)
mytable2 <- function(x, key) x %.% group_by(key) %.% summarise(n = n())
mytable2(iris, "Species") # Wrong!
# Error: index out of bounds
iris %.% group_by(Species) %.% summarise(n = n())
causesError in n() : This function should not be called directly
. WTF?! dplyr 0.1.2, R 3.0.3mutate, summarize, arrange, desc, ...
to be masked. See stackoverflow.com/questions/22801153/…