I 'm working on a project which is client-server based. Client is a Windows application (Visual Studio 2012) and server is a C program running on Linux.

Server uses a webcam to capture and stream video (ffserver). Problem is I don't know how to program client to receive and play video (via a dialog box maybe). Do I have to make use of players like WMPlayer, VLC or not?

I 'm newbie and any help or recommendations would be appreciated.


2 Answers 2


Client side you could always use DirectShow to decode and render your stream. Live555 can handle the stream and pass it to a graph.

Render RTSP H.264 video stream using live555

If you're unfamiliar with DirectShow and filters there's a lot of stuff on MSDN

About DirectShow Filters

That should allow you to render to a surface of your choosing, it's always wise to render something on no signal though, just so you can tell the difference between no stream and a blank stream.


i think you will find both server and client side solution using simple vlc player on both end follow below link http://xmodulo.com/2013/09/live-stream-video-webcam-linux.html

  • I 've already tried similar thing with ffplay on client side. However, I don't want a pop-up window showing the stream, each time I run command vlc http://<ip_address_of_webcam_host>:8080/stream.wmv but an .exe (e.g. a dialog box that gets filled each time server streams video). Do you think this is possible? Thank's anyway.
    – dempap
    Commented Feb 20, 2014 at 11:41
  • if you are worried about running command each time on prompt you can create an .exe file and use system("vlc http://<ip_address_of_webcam_host>:8080/stream.wmv") in it, with this you will just have to click on the .exe file that will run vlc command for you Commented Feb 20, 2014 at 11:52
  • and one more thing it is possible windows has it's api and other function you can also use windows media player library which i guess are there in vs2012 msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh828986%28v=vs.85%29.aspx Commented Feb 20, 2014 at 12:02
  • [in reffering to system()]: You 're right about this, but pop-up window still remains. I 'm looking for an application where "video display window" shows up even if I have not video streaming (it will not display anything until a video stream arrives).
    – dempap
    Commented Feb 20, 2014 at 12:11

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