TLDR; How can I create a pre-processing directive in C# based on values from an app.config file?

I am using Selenium to do integration testing. I have two test method classes which are responsible for testing different areas of my application. My test classes are identified as such with a [TestClass] attribute, and my test methods are identified using a [TestMethod] attribute like so:

public class TestsForAreaX
    public void TestFoo()
        //Do test logic here
    public void TestBar()
      //Do test logic here

When I rebuild my solution all methods that have had the [TestMethod] applied will appear in the test explorer.

What I would now like to do is add some flags to my app.config to conditionally apply [TestMethod] attributes so that I can specify which tests I want run. The reason for this is that some tests are taking very long and I would like to exclude them without having to fiddle with method attributes directly.

I am aware of pre-processing directives like:

    //debug mode
    //release mode

but that only works for build configurations and not values in app config files, unless I am mistaken?

1 Answer 1


You cannot remove the attributes of the assembly after compilation. Maybe you are looking for Categories:

public class TestsForAreaX
    [TestCategory("LongRunning"), TestMethod]
    public void TestFoo()
        //Do test logic here
    [TestCategory("ShortRunning"), TestMethod]
    public void TestBar()
      //Do test logic here
} enter code here

Then you can run tests for different categories at least from the command line, this site explains how: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd286683.aspx

  • This is exactly the kind of thing that I was looking for. I have no problem with using a command line either. Ty.
    – GoofyBall
    Feb 26, 2014 at 13:07

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