I'm following this sample to create Signed URLs on CloudFront using PHP http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CreateURL_PHP.html

And I have everything working fine and generating the Signed URLs for both RTMP Distributions and HTTP Distributions.

However I noticed that generating the Sign URL takes quite some time and I wonder what impact could have when used in production with thousands of requests.

I did some tests and it seems that the long time is taking is due to the php-openssl functions.

Here is the code:


class Cloudfront {

    const PVTKEYFILE = '/home/keys/myprivatekey.pem';

    public function rsa_sha1_sign($policy) {
        $signature = "";

        // load the private key
        $fp = fopen(self::PVTKEYFILE, "r");
        $priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
        $pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);

        // compute signature
        openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid);

        // free the key from memory

        return $signature;

    public function simulated_rsa_sha1_sign($policy) {
        // create a simulated signature
        $signature = "©3•{š(|i~'{µÜr…6—\L¶…ÙiÃÔh@ç÷S„Aóö¯‡d‰‹{¦ºx­òrd)Xcª
            Áh‚°Bgþ èòëÿô Š#CßFe  ÓÒ>v1    R€¥#–þ*¸çGÀýƒ Ј¾F<t)eV7¿ø_ŒQÎiXXU s˜¦Ij:ý
            ÒR ‹ÚQ§ Çm8à  ºâ*+äÇjƒãýO  4 ~ Uöeóy˜¢93_0iy §âE– a÷f¥y¿ÈãÏ`‹ _ì`ß ½õ  ‹*
            ÁM‘çõD  jrüB •d˜¥  èp Òü¿Ö NŒ«éoI X  €v=RÌlŠ¤ /Á û9Yš¾î";

        // load the private key file although is not actually used
        $fp = fopen(self::PVTKEYFILE, "r");
        $priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);

        return $signature;

    public function url_safe_base64_encode($value) {
        $encoded = base64_encode($value);
        // replace unsafe characters +, = and / with the safe characters -, _ and ~
        return str_replace(
                array('+', '=', '/'), array('-', '_', '~'), $encoded);

    public function create_stream_name($stream, $signature, $expires) {
        $result = $stream;
        // if the stream already contains query parameters, attach the new query parameters to the end
        // otherwise, add the query parameters
        $separator = strpos($stream, '?') == FALSE ? '?' : '&';
        $result .= $separator . "Expires=" . $expires . "&Key-Pair-Id=" . self::KEYPAIRID . "&Signature=" . $signature;
        // new lines would break us, so remove them
        return str_replace('\n', '', $result);

    public function get_signed_stream_name($video_path, $expires) {
        // this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it, since it contains your parameters
        $canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":' . $expires . '}}}]}';
        // sign the original policy, not the encoded version
        $signature = $this->rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy);
        // make the signature safe to be included in a url
        $encoded_signature = $this->url_safe_base64_encode($signature);

        // combine the above into a stream name
        $stream_name = $this->create_stream_name($video_path, $encoded_signature, $expires);

        return $stream_name;


That's basically the same sample that CloudFront have on their docs. Then I created a controller were I make the calls to get_signed_stream_name() to generate the signed urls. I decided to do a while loop to see how long it takes to create 500 signed urls.

public function signedurl() {
        // Script start
        $start = microtime(true);

        $this->cloudfront = new Cloudfront();

        $i = 1;
        while ($i <= 500) {
            $expires = time() + rand(300, 900);
            $http_video_path = 'http://mydistribution.cloudfront.net/myvideo.mp4';
            $signed_http_url = $this->cloudfront->get_signed_stream_name($http_video_path, $expires);

            echo '<strong>HTTP Signed URL:</strong> <br />' . $signed_http_url;
            echo '<br /><br />';


        // Script end
        $time_taken = microtime(true) - $start;
        echo $time_taken;

Generating 500 signed urls in that while loop took around 11 seconds on my local machine. Then I decided to change the like:

$signature = $this->rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy);


$signature = $this->simulated_rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy);

To see what happened if everything was run except invoking the php-openssl functions openssl_get_privatekey(), openssl_sign(), openssl_free_key().

I ran the same script with the 500 while loop and it took 0.090 seconds. So basically the php-openssl functions make the script a lot slower. Is this something I should be worried, it is normal since I'm generating these signed urls and it takes considerable processing power?

I did several tries and here are sample time it took for 3 of each.

Real code using OpenSSL functions generating 500 signed url calls:

500 URLs simulated without using the OpenSSL functions:

Also, I would like to know how I could create a signature that work for any file in the distribution. A wildcard that I could generate a signature that can be used for all the files under that folder or distribution. I read someplace that it was possible, but not sure how using those samples above. Maybe if I can create a single signature for each request instead of for each file returned in the request would be less intensive.


2 Answers 2


I observe the same performance issue with Boto (AWS's Python SDK) which uses rsa module to compute the signature. I think the problem simply comes down to the fact that RSA computation is slow in this context. I think/hope the solution lies in adjusting the setup or the workflow of dealing with private content.


Have you tried removing "fopen()" and using hard coded value for the private key?


function getPrivateKey() {
    $privateKey = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----';

    return str_replace("\t", '', $privateKey);

If you still need the keys into external files, try using php include() and take advantage of APC caching.

For processing batches of private keys; You can use Iterator or scan_dir, scan your files based on regex, include your files and assign their contents into an array of SSL keys. Again, you will take advantage of APC. Unfortunately, I think that scandir() will need to access your file system. Generally this slows down things.

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