Currently I am working on a river discharge data analysis. I have the daily discharge record from 1935 to now. I want to extract the annual maximum discharge for each hydrolocial year (start from 01/11 to next year 31/10). However, I found that the hydroTSM package can only deal with the natural year. I tried to use the "zoo" package, but I found it's difficult to compute, as each year have different days. Does anyone have some idea? Thanks.
the data looks like:
01-11-1935 663
02-11-1935 596
03-11-1935 450
04-11-1935 381
05-11-1935 354
06-11-1935 312
my code:
colnames(mydata) <- c("date","discharge")
mydta$date <- as.POSIXct(dat$date)
q.month<-daily2monthly(z,FUN=max,na.rm = TRUE,date.fmt = "%Y-%m-%d",out.fmt="numeric")