I've googled it for hours but I can't find a solution. I use raspian, on a raspberry pi and I want to have colorscheems work on it. Default terminal in raspian seems to be set at 8 colors as when I enter
tput colors
I get 8. I'm sure there must be a way to have the term work with 256 colors but I don't know how. Anyway I set tmux in the config file to support 256 colors, so I created a .tmux.conf file in my home directory and have
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
now if I check with tput within tmux I get 256. Anyway I know you can set VIM to force think you support 256 color by adding
set t_Co=256
but this seems to make no actual change. If I run this color test
:runtime syntax/colortest.vim
in normal terminal from raspian I get only 8 different colors. If I do this on tmux I get more but not all of them because some of them (red and lightred for example) still look the same.
set t_Co=256
to your~/.vimrc
if you haveset -g default-terminal "screen-256color"