I have an array containing the names of form input names:

$minmax = array('bed_min', 'bed_max', 'rec_min', 'rec_max', 'bath_min', 'bath_max', 'value_min', 'value_max');

The names are identical to the corresponding columns in a database. Instead of using an sql query like so:


$query = "UPDATE first_page SET bed_min='$bed_min', bed_max='$bed_max', rec_min='$rec_min', rec_max='$rec_max', bath_min='$bath_min', bath_max='$bath_max', value_min='$value_min', value_max='$value_max', WHERE email_address='$email' ";

Is there a way to automate all this into a smaller lump of code? I know the POST values should not be added to the query diectly, so maybe a loop to assign the POST values to a corresponding array of variables using something like:

foreach ($minmax as $var){
  $var = $_POST[$var]

(nb i dont think this snippet will work but ive added it because I think with a bit of editing it might!)

After the list of variables have been assigned the POST values, do the update in the $query using two arrays, one with the list of values and one with the list of database columns. Again I dont know how this will work, so pointers would be helpful!

  • 1
    Dat unsanitized query tho... Mar 4, 2014 at 21:52
  • Look into prepared queries, us1.php.net/pdo.prepared-statements
    – Chitowns24
    Mar 4, 2014 at 21:55
  • yea forgot to mention, ignore sanitization - im getting the nuts and bolts working before adding that! (also trying my hardest to migrate from MYSQL to PDO....)
    – Giovanni
    Mar 4, 2014 at 21:55

3 Answers 3


You don't really need the $minmax array of form input names since you can get those from the keys of $_POST.

If the values are all numbers, like they seem to be, then you could do it all in one line like this:

$query = "UPDATE first_page SET " . vsprintf(implode("='%d', ", array_keys($sanitized_POST))."='%d'", array_values($sanitized_POST))." WHERE email_address='$email'";

That's assuming you have already sanitized the items from $_POST into a new array named $sanitized_POST. I know you said in the above comment to ignore sanitization, but I thought I'd add it so you know I'm not suggesting to use the values straight from $_POST.

You could sanitize the $_POST array with something like this:

$sanitized_POST = array_map(function($item) {

    return mysqli::real_escape_string($item);

}, $_POST);

Honestly though, you should try to come up with a solution that uses prepared statements.

On a side note, if you have the sanitized post array, then this one line will essentially do what Quixrick has done with variable variables in one of the other answers:


If you assume that all of the values in post have the same names (array keys) as your columns, then something like this could work for you:

$query = "UPDATE first_page SET ";
foreach ($_POST as $key => $var){
  $query .= " $key='$var',";
$query = rtrim($query,',') . " WHERE email_address='$email' ";

You probably want to use 'Variable Variables' here. Basically, you'd use a double dollar sign $$ to create a variable with the name of the array value.

$_POST['bed_min'] = 'Rick';

$minmax = array('bed_min', 'bed_max', 'rec_min', 'rec_max', 'bath_min', 'bath_max', 'value_min', 'value_max');

foreach ($minmax as $var){
    $$var = $_POST[$var];

print "<BR>BED MIN: ".$bed_min;

This outputs:


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