My advice is to avoid any image names; class names or ID's with the words:
in their name!
I ran some tests and Ad blockers regularly block any direct content with these names either within the CSS file, Div or Span Layers.
So an image name loaded via CSS such as advertise-with-us.png gets blocked on any machine running such software for example.
EDIT: I've Traced a list of web page elements in Chrome which AdBlock Plus sets the CSS value to "display:none". They probably apply to other browsers too:
::content #ads > .dose > .dosesingle,
::content #content > #center > .dose > .dosesingle,
::content #content > #right > .dose > .dosesingle,
::content #header + #content > #left > #rlblock_left,
::content .trc_rbox_border_elm .syndicatedItem,
::content .trc_rbox_div .syndicatedItem,
::content div[id^="mainads"], ::content #ad-banner-980,
::content #adbox300600, ::content #chartAdWrap,
::content #in-content-ad, ::content #main-right-ad-tray,
::content #second-right-ad-tray, ::content #sponsored-message,
::content #tr-adv-banner, ::content #votvAds_inner,
::content #welcome_ad, ::content #wp_ad_marker,
::content .PremiumObitAdBar, ::content .ad-active