Yes you can.
All that you need is to have a field of LifecycleOwner type.
More about it in official documentation.
In my case i created a custom view with another view from 3rd party library - CameraView.
At first, custom view needs to implement LifecycleOberver interface
public class MakePhotoView extends ConstraintLayout implements LifecycleObserver
So, i have a field in my custom view:
private LifecycleOwner mLifecycleOwner;
I pass it in the constructor as one of parameters:
public MakePhotoView(Context context, OnPhotoMadeListener onPhotoMadeListener, LifecycleOwner lifecycleOwner) {
mOnPhotoMadeListener = onPhotoMadeListener;
mLifecycleOwner = lifecycleOwner;
After that i register my custom view as observer for lifecycle events in LifecycleOwner:
private void init() {
//other code
And finally i can listen for lifecycle events:
public void startCamera() {
AppLog.logObject(this, "On Resume called for MakeCameraView");
public void stopCamera() {
AppLog.logObject(this, "On Pause called for MakeCameraView");
public void destroyCamera() {
AppLog.logObject(this, "On Destroy called for MakeCameraView");