How can I import a self-signed certificate in Red-Hat Linux.
I'm not an expert with respect to certificates and find it difficult to find the right answer through googling, since I don't know the difference between a .cer, .crt or a .pem. Having said that, what I would like to do should not be rocket science (In windows I can do this with a few clicks in my browser) I want to connect to a server that makes use of a self-signed certificate. For example using wget, without having to use the --no-check-certificate option. To make this work I will have to add the self-signed certificate of the server to my RedHat box. I have found out the certificates reside in /etc/pki/tls. But I am at a loss what actions I should perform to make wget function without complaining.
I can get the SSL certificate from the server using:
openssl s_client -connect server:443
The certificate is between "BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE" I do not know what kind of certificate this is. Next I will have to put it in the /etc/pki/tls/certs directory and apply some openssl secert sauce I don't know about. Can you help?