I have a few logging functions that I commonly use for different Arduino programs. Since I use them so much, I decided to try to make a custom library for them. Unfortunately, the compiler crashes at the header file with the error:

unknown type name 'String'

I'm a bit confused as to why this is happening because I am including the standard Arduino libraries (which I believe should contain the String class) at the top of my header. Here's the whole thing:

#ifndef logging_h
#define logging_h

#include "Arduino.h"

void logEvent(String msg);
void debugOut(String msg);
void errOut(String err);
void document(String parameter, float value);


I reinstalled the Arduino IDE (1.0.5) so I think I should have the most recent standard library. If anyone has some suggestions I would really appreciate it.

  • Your code works for me in Arduino IDE 1.0.5. I was adding it as a new tab named "logging.h". What steps are you following to create your library? Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:37
  • Right now I just have the .h and .c files in the same directory as my main.ino. They both show up as tabs named logging.h and logging.c respectively. Other than that, I haven't done anything special to create the library
    – sdrendall
    Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:41
  • 1
    Try renaming the ".c" file to ".cpp". Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:42

2 Answers 2


(This answer is based on our discussion in comments.)

The problem was that the source file for your library was named *.c. That caused the compiler to treat it as C code instead of C++, which means it couldn't handle classes/objects (such as String).

Naming the file *.cpp instead lets the compiler treat it correctly as C++ code.


I had same issue yesterday. The code you included in your question should be your .h file, isn't? My question is: is your library written in C or in C++?

I assume you use C code.

You can't import code from in a user C library with the Arduino IDE. The reason is that use C++ code, and it can't be called from your C library.

Solution: rewrite your library in C+, it's not too difficult.

You can find a lot of help on google on how to write library in C++. You can also check my example at https://github.com/romain-viollette/AverageFilter/

best regards,

  • I'm a little confused about you mean. Do you mean that I have to rewrite my functions as a C++ class? My understanding is that a C++ compiler should be able to compile C code, so should a library written 'in C' essentially be 'in C++'?
    – sdrendall
    Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:37
  • I was not clear enough. I mean that I think it's not possible to call Serial functions from a C file. Everything is compiled with g++ both C and C++ files. But I have noticed that When you include <Arduino.h> from a C file, as it is compiled separately, all C++ function are not included. My solution was to rewrite my library in C++, and I could import all the Arduino libraries I want without problem. Maybe you should have a look here: arduino.cc/en/Hacking/BuildProcess Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:39
  • Ah I see, that makes sense. The problem was ultimately solved by renaming my .c files to .cpp which seems consistent with your explanation. Thanks for the help!
    – sdrendall
    Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 15:47

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