Following the Redis Pub/Sub

this works fine and i can publish messages in any class using

$redis.publish 'channel', { object: @object.id }

using redis-cli > MONITOR, I can verify that this request was published correctly

[0] "publish" "channel" "{:object=>\"5331d541f4eec77185000003\" }"

the problem starts when I add a subscriber block to that channel in other class (listener class) like the following

class OtherClass
  $redis.subscribe('channel') do |payload|
    p payload

in redis-cli > MONITOR, shows also that the listener is subscribed correctly

[0] "subscribe" "channel"

the problem is that when i add the subscriber listener class to the same rails app... it stop working cause the OtherClass listens to the redis server and halt the execution of any other code... it just sit there listening.

so is there a way to make a messaging bus with redis on the same rails app... so that events are published from some classes or service objects and there are listeners for specific channels to act upon receiving events in the background.

i know that i might use sidekiq or any other background worker to do this job... but after a while the background workers became messy and unmaintainable.

  • What's the backtrace when you start the rails server without zeus?
    – rossta
    Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 20:50
  • starts and show #<Redis::Subscription:0x007f8831620578 @callbacks={}> and doesn't respond further... i suspect that the problem is in OtherClass cause i listen to redis via code block... not sure if that is correct or not.
    – a14m
    Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 21:07
  • Pusher Commented Mar 26, 2014 at 10:35
  • The problem is that I want to subscribe in the server not in the front end.
    – a14m
    Commented Mar 26, 2014 at 13:01
  • @rossta i updated the question making it more readable and added some extra info about the problem... any help is greatly appreciated guys
    – a14m
    Commented Mar 26, 2014 at 19:16

1 Answer 1


The implementation of Redis#subscribe is a loop that will assume control of the current thread in order to listen to events. This means the boot process is halted when dropping a subscription into the context of a Rails class in the way you've shown.

You could try wrapping the call in a thread, but this approach would literally create a new subscription each time this class loaded in a new process, like a rails console or multiple unicorns. Plus, you'd have to be careful about shared state and other threading issues. This is probably not what you want.

You're best off starting a different process that loads the rails environment and subscribes to redis separately from the process(es) serving web requests. It could be a rake task like the following:

namespace :subscribe do
  task :redis => :environment do
    $redis.subscribe("bravo") do |on|
      on.message do |channel, message|
        Rails.logger.info("Broadcast on channel #{channel}: #{message}")
        OtherClass.some_method # yada yada

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