I'm creating a rails app and I must differentiate the header for home page.

I already created a partial with the _home_header version and the _header version to use in every page, but I don't know how can I manage the change.

The header is included in my layout, and I render the same layout for every page. How can I tell to "layout" to use the _home_header version instead of the standard version when I request homepage?


4 Answers 4


I would use the current_page? helper and look at the root_path.

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<% if current_page?(root_path) %>
    <%= render 'layouts/home_header' %>
<% else %>
    <%= render 'layouts/header' %>
<% end %>

Use something like this in application.html.erb

<% if request.original_url == root_url %>  ## Specify the home url instead of root_url(if they are different)
  <%= render 'layouts/home_header' %>      ## Assuming that _home_header.html.erb is under layouts directory
<% else %>
  <%= render 'layouts/header' %>           ## Assuming that _header.html.erb is under layouts directory
<% end %>

Typically, you add more specific versions of pages in controller-specific sub directories.

That is, if you have a layout application.html.erb which renders a header partial...

# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<!doctype html>
  <%= render 'header' %>

This will look for a header partial first in app/views/<controller_name>/ then in app/views/application/. So, your site-wide header would reside in app/views/application/_header.html.erb, and your homepage partial would reside in app/views/home/_header.html.erb, and it would "just work". Rails would load the more "specific" header.

  • I know but I must add the default version in every view... i need just to override the header when I load homepage. Commented Mar 25, 2014 at 21:05

An option to @meagar suggestion would be use a before_action on your application controller for that:

class ApplicationController
  beore_action :set_header


    def set_header
      @header = if is_my_page
        "Special header"
        "Other header"

and in your layouts/application.html.erb:


The bright part of his solution is that all text are kept on the view files, which makes sense. The not-so-bright part is that is harder to follow.

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