I'm not using the auto increment for the id instead i'm using the 32 char unique id. So when i create a relationship and query, im getting a null because my FK expecting int my models
class User extend Eloquent {
public $incrementing = false;
class Reservation extend Eloquent {
public $incrementing = false;
so when i query this
$reservations = Reservation::with('user')->where('user_id', '=', '22beb4892ba944c8b1895855e1d4d1ad')->get();
i could not retrieve the users information but the reservations info is working fine
when i try to listen for query. eg:
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($query, $bindings, $time, $name){
i get this
string(46) "select * from `reservation` where `user_id` = ?"
array(1) {
string(36) "22beb4892ba944c8b1895855e1d4d1ad"
string(53) "select * from `user` where `user`.`id` in (?)"
array(1) {
the problem is in the second query i could not retrieve the users info because the user.id expecting int.