How do I check if file exists in bash?

When I try to do it like this:

if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ]
    echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
    exit 1
<more code follows>

I always get following output:

 requested file doesn't exist

The program is used like this:

script.sh [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE

Any ideas please? I will be glad for any help.

P.S. I wish I could show the entire file without the risk of being fired from school for having a duplicate. If there is a private method of communication I will happily oblige.

My mistake. Fas forcing a binary file into a wrong place. Thanks for everyone's help.

  • Do you see correct path if you add echo "$FILE1" before if ?
    – loentar
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:04
  • No, I see an empty space. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:06
  • then file "" does not exist..
    – loentar
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:08
  • When I do ls I can clearly see it. When I do ls I can clearly see it. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:10
  • the file with empty name can't exist. check the FILE1="${@:$OPTIND:1} for correctness.
    – loentar
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:10

4 Answers 4


Little trick to debugging problems like this. Add these lines to the top of your script:

export PS4="\$LINENO: "
set -xv

The set -xv will print out each line before it is executed, and then the line once the shell interpolates variables, etc. The $PS4 is the prompt used by set -xv. This will print the line number of the shell script as it executes. You'll be able to follow what is going on and where you may have problems.

Here's an example of a test script:

#! /bin/bash

export PS4="\$LINENO: "
set -xv

FILE1="${@:$OPTIND:1}"         # Line 6
if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ]           # Line 7
    echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
    exit 1
    echo "Found File $FILE1"   # Line 12

And here's what I get when I run it:

$ ./test.sh .profile
6: FILE1=.profile
    if [ ! -e "$FILE1" ]
        echo "requested file doesn't exist" >&2
        exit 1
        echo "Found File $FILE1"
7: [ ! -e .profile ]
12: echo 'Found File .profile'
Found File .profile

Here, I can see that I set $FILE1 to .profile, and that my script understood that ${@:$OPTIND:1}. The best thing about this is that it works on all shells down to the original Bourne shell. That means if you aren't running Bash as you think you might be, you'll see where your script is failing, and maybe fix the issue.

I suspect you might not be running your script in Bash. Did you put #! /bin/bash on the top?

script.sh [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE

You may want to use getopts to parse your parameters:

#! /bin/bash

USAGE=" Usage:
    script.sh [-g] [-p] [-r FUNCTION_ID|-d FUNCTION_ID] FILE
while getopts gpr:d: option
    case $option in
        g)  g_opt=1;;
        p)  p_opt=1;;
        r)  rfunction_id="$OPTARG";;
        d)  dfunction_id="$OPTARG";;
            echo "Invalid Usage" 1>&2
            echo "$USAGE"        1>&2
            exit 2

if [[ -n $rfunction_id && -n $dfunction_id ]]
    echo "Invalid Usage: You can't specify both -r and -d" 1>&2
    echo "$USAGE" >2&
    exit 2

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
[[ -n $g_opt ]] && echo "-g was set"
[[ -n $p_opt ]] && echo "-p was set"
[[ -n $rfunction_id ]] && echo "-r was set to $rfunction_id"
[[ -n $dfunction_id ]] && echo "-d was set to $dfunction_id"
[[ -n $1 ]] && echo "File is $1"
  • I put #!/usr/bin/env bash on the top Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:06
  • @user3473750 - Obviously, you're not setting $FILE1 With the line number as 69, I suspect that maybe FILE1="${@:$OPTIND:1}" isn't working as you think it should. What is the value of $@ at this point? Maybe a file name isn't being passed to your script. Maybe you've pulled out more than you think. See my script on how to use getopt and how I adjust $@ with shift afterwords.
    – David W.
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:06
  • The $@ contains "-r timeout.o" Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:10
  • @user3473750: To enumerate all arguments passed to your script for visual inspection, add for a; do echo "[$a]"; done. (The [...] is just to see the exact boundaries of your values.)
    – mklement0
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:25
  • Does $@ contain -r timeout.o at the beginning of the script or right before you assign $FILE1? I suspect that you are using getopts since you're using $OPTIND. In that case, -r timeout.o $OPTIND would include the -r and the timeout.o. It would be set to 3 which means that your not pointing to a file name. Use shift = $((OPTIND - 1)) and verify that $1 still has a value.
    – David W.
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:37

To (recap) and add to @DavidW.'s excellent answer:

  • Check the shebang line (first line) of your script to ensure that it's executed by bash: is it #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash?

  • Inspect your script file for hidden control characters (such as \r) that can result in unexpected behavior; run cat -v scriptFile | fgrep ^ - it should produce NO output; if the file does contain \r chars., they would show as ^M.

    • To remove the \r instances (more accurately, to convert Windows-style \r\n newline sequences to Unix \n-only sequences), you can use dos2unix file to convert in place; if you don't have this utility, you can use sed 's/'$'\r''$//' file > outfile (CAVEAT: use a DIFFERENT output file, otherwise you'll destroy your input file); to remove all \r instances (even if not followed by \n), use tr -d '\r' < file > outfile (CAVEAT: use a DIFFERENT output file, otherwise you'll destroy your input file).
  • In addition to @DavidW.'s great debugging technique, you can add the following to visually inspect all arguments passed to your script:
i=0; for a; do echo "\$$((i+=1))=[$a]"; done 

(The purpose of enclosing the value in [...] (for example), is to see the exact boundaries of the values.)

This will yield something like:


Note, though, that nothing at all is printed if no arguments were passed.

  • I am using #!/usr/bin/env bash and I have plenty of ^M Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:47
  • ./depcg.sh -r timeout.o $1=[-r] $2=[timeout.o] -r timeout.o File doesn't exist. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 19:51
  • @user3473750: (a) you should remove the \r (^M) chars. from your script - see my updated answer; (b) even though it seems that your arguments are passed in OK per se, there's a problem with accessing timeout.o via ${@:$OPTIND:1} - to narrow down the problem, use $2 in place of ${@:$OPTIND:1} and see if that works.
    – mklement0
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 20:06
  • How do I remove \r chars? Geany is not letting me do that. :( Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 20:10
  • See my updated answer (dos2unix, if available; else use the sed or tr command).
    – mklement0
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 20:18

Try to print FILE1 to see if it has the value you want, if it is not the problem, here is a simple script (site below):

if [ -f "$file" ]
    echo "$file found."
    echo "$file not found."


  • I always get not found. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 18:13

Instead of plucking an item out of "$@" in a tricky way, why don't you shift off the args you've processed with getopts:

while getopts ...

shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))


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