According to countless examples and variations of this on the internet, this should work. I have read many similar cases and comments but have not found a clear answer. This does print an access token but fails to authenticate. echo $user always returns 0. I am suspicious there is some configuration issue on http://developers.facebook.com where you get the appID, something in those settings I haven't got quite right. Thanks for any help.

require 'src/facebook.php';  

 $facebook = new Facebook(array(  

 'appId'  => '{appID}',  
 'secret' => '{secret}',  
 'cookie' =>  'true',
 'baseurl' => 'http://{baseUrl}'  


  $user = $facebook->getUser() ;  
  echo $user;  
  print $facebook->getAccessToken();  
  • baseurl should not be http://mizu.net46.net/src/facebook.php change it to http://mizu.net46.net/CallbackFile.php which is either facebookpost.php, facebookpost1.php, facebookpost2.php, facebookpost3.php, facebookpost4.php or facebookpost5.php, remember to change it to that in your App dashboard, too
    – Adam Azad
    Mar 30, 2014 at 8:12

2 Answers 2


a snippet of your code,

'baseurl' => 'http://mizu.net46.net/src/facebook.php' 

baseurl must not be facebook.php it should be

'baseurl' => 'http://example.com/myApp/CallbackFile.php'

remember to match baseurl with your website/site URL in your app dashboard

sample of site url setting

duplicates (further reading):

  • Adam, thanks, I made some progress fiddling with the formatting, but am still having problems. I must have got the formatting syntax correct now in terms of the AppId and secret because then I see facebook dialogue box pops up asking me to give the app permission. after I check ok, it goes into redirect loop. I run the script again, and there is redirect loop everytime so the handshake or the authentication is not being finished. I can duplicate this same sequence when I create a new app, so my theory is there something that has to be done to fix the redirect loop. Mar 30, 2014 at 14:10
  • "mizu3 will receive the following info: your public profile and friend list. " click cancel or okay. if I click cancel and run the script again I will get the same question again and again, as long as I cancel. once I click OK , and authorize the App then I have redirect loop everytime I run the script from then on. Mar 30, 2014 at 14:36
  • check your error_log, are you running your script on localhost? if yes, that's the reason because Facebook PHP SDK can't be tested an ran on L/M/WAMP
    – Adam Azad
    Mar 30, 2014 at 19:04
  • I am running the script on a web hosting server. (not localhost) Mar 30, 2014 at 21:09
  • maybe you have some code that I could add to my script that might resolve the problem? the only thing thats shows up in the log is when I deliberately change that the key that gets logged. other then that nothing. Mar 30, 2014 at 21:13

I fiddled with the settings on the developers.facebook.com long enough I finally found a combination that worked.at this time I can connect and post to my facebook account when I run the app on localhost, why it doesnt work on the webserver is another question.

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